I have a label on your e-mails reminding me that you
requested I reply with rational responses only.
Which you keep ignoring.
What you're saying here, I want to let you know that I don't understand it. It doesn't look clear what you are talking about. It sounds like you are worried that a political value is under specific attack by anarchism, and I don't see why this would be.
You need professional psychological help - or maybe remedial English reading help - possibly both.
I'm curious whether posting new threads as your only way of communicating is something that you desire to do or not.
I have other places - JoinDiaspora & Insane Journal - I commend ' Insane Journal ' to you since you clearly don't have the first thing about anarchism and think that known living Nazi's provide value. Only dead Nazi's ( The Zenaan Harkness / Batshit Crazy, Julian Assange type ) provide any value. Get help.