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Complaint Referral Form
Internet Crime Complaint Center

Thank you. Your complaint was submitted to the IC3. Please save or print a copy of your complaint before closing this window.This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.

Victim Information
Financial Transaction(s)

Description of Incident
Which of the following were used in this incident? (Check all that apply.)
Other Information
Who Filed the Complaint
Digital Signature
By digitally signing this document, I affirm that the information I provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false information could make me subject to fine, imprisonment, or both. (Title 18, U.S.Code, Section 1001)

Thank you. Your complaint was submitted to the IC3. Please save or print a copy of your complaint before closing this window. This is the only time you will have to make a copy of your complaint.