SeizureBot says, "Seizures are so much more fun than algebra! Let's have seizures!"
Worker replies, "true, seizures can be really fun, can't they? Still, what do you think of X(t)?"
SeizureBot sat down with some algebra. SeizureBot made X(t) spasm wildly, and S_n, too.
SeizureBot says, "Neural cluster n fires wildly after a delay of S_n from neural cluster n-1. If neural cluster 0 fires at time 0, then neural cluster 2 fires at time S_2 + S_1. In fact, the time of any given neural cluster n spasming wildly can be given by the summation Sum[j=1...infinity, S_j * I{j <= n}], where I{} is the impulse function that evaluates to 0 or 1 depending on the truth of its parameter. You could call this St(n)."
"Thanks, SeizureBot!" exclaims Worker.