turd is saying, here's shocking news for you and other technocrats. If
people can't understand what he's saying, that's because the information is missing and no amount of pseudo-scientfic fraud will magicaly create something that doesn't exist.
You can of course use pseudo-scientific fraud, 'digital signal processing' and computers to 'interpret' noise as anything you want, and you can use your bullshit 'aritificial intelligence' to make biden or anybody else say anything you want.
My keys are in on the seat of my car if you need to drive anywhere. But I'm very scared of debt. I don't think anybody could ever put me into great debt: I tend to ignore threats and accept the results of impossible situations if needed, to defend freedom. What is it like to be coerced for years and years? In schools, they teach that "everyone always has a choice". Is that true? Or is there a point where it ends? If there is such a point, could something ever take us back, after crossing that point? Is it like alcohol, where people have recovery groups and stay away, or is it more like loss of a limb? I cannot imagine a human spirit without deep care in it. That doesn't mean I am free to summon that care out. Trump, Biden, SpyCorp, RebelThug! Together, the world is an oyster to our quartet. We are all human beings above everything else, and it seems impossible to remember this.