On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 13:02:04 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
On Fri, 2016-10-14 at 15:07 -0300, juan wrote:
On Fri, 14 Oct 2016 12:51:00 -0500 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
Can we agree that there's crap that never should make it on to the list to begin with,
Like your constant calls for censorship and your sick #$%$% propaganda, for instance.
Moderation, not censorship. There is a huge difference.
'Moderation' is censorship. You should at least have the decency of not stabbing people in the back and be honest about your despicabla true intentions. Of course, trying to openly stab people is a lot riskier. It's not hard to see that you are a vocal advocate of censorship. So you can take off your fucking, transparent, mask. Oh, and you also get to rewrite my mesages? +) - I once thought your posts were sarcasm. It's obvious now that you are the god of unintentional self-parody.