What's unique about Strangecoin?
- Strangecoin transactions can be nonzero sum. A Strangecoin transaction might result in both parties having more Strangecoin.
- Strangecoin transactions can be one-sided and can be conducted entirely by only one party to the transaction.
- The rate of change of one's Strangecoin balance is a more important indicator of economic influence than the balance itself.
- Optimal investment strategy in Strangecoin aims to stabilize one's balance of Strangecoin.
- A universal account provides all users a basic Strangecoin income, effectively unlimited wealth, and direct feedback on the overall prosperity of the network.
As the example suggests, the dynamics of Strangecoin might be usefully thought of in terms of a "reputation system" rather than a strictly financial tool, even though the basic mechanics involve the regular method of exchanging currency for goods perceived by both parties to be of equal value. Because of the nonlinear relationships among Strangecoin users, each user effectively draws on a network of support in each economic transaction, coupling its activity to the successes (and failures) of the that network of activity. The result is a model of the complex interdependencies within a community of economic agents, and the dynamics by which those networks develop and decay. For this reason, Strangecoin might have implications for quantifying the role of individual choices and responsibility in the context of corporate action, and for resolving other difficult issues in the management and ethics of collective economic action.