antispam: "karl is spamming the cypherpunks list" [antispam is a trick i think ? it has valid par5ts. but it ignores some things. this is considered good because it has preservation; it doesn't destroy its existence i think i'm getting really confused i mean antispam is great :) but it had bad stoppingness the spam concern goes around near karl's decisions and values :S i guess those don't tend to develop though :S anyway we like the preservation property. it makes sense to yell if something is wrong. ] traffick boss walks up to a big mushrom and plans to climb it. he gets out a grappling hook on a grappling hook gun and fires a grappling hook over the mushroom it flies over the mushroom and lands on a tree stump behind it. a floppy rope is now draped over the mushroom traffick boss tries the rope and it seems somewhat strong but he is worried it could slide off the mushroom and he would fall [some traffick bosses disagree, and would skillfully climb the dangerous rope in a safe manner] he goes and disconnects his grappling hook from the tree stump, and pulls the rope off the top of the mushroom, and then goes back where he was standeing and fires different this time the grappling hook embeds itself in the upper surface of the mushroom, gripping the mushroom flesh with its hooks the mushroom is slightly damaged, but the rope is holding traffick boss attaches himself to the rope and climbs it soon he is at the top of the mushroom! traffick boss decides he is a character from alice and wonderland, sitting on a mushroom [we websearch for this character] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caterpillar_(Alice%27s_Adventures_in_Wonderlan...) traffick boss pretends he is the caterpillar from alice in wonderland he smokes his cigar and wiats for alice to come [we websearch for what the caterpillar says] 1545 https://etc.usf.edu/lit2go/1/alices-adventures-in-wonderland/15/chapter-v-ad... the caterpillar asks alice who she is when she goes to eat the mushroom, it wasn't quite what we expected (we avoid 'who are you' from experience) abc abc 1547 i guess i will walk to the local soup kitchen while waiting for my transmission to get looked at! oh btw the repair guy who charged $1700 to replcae the fuel pump said my gas tank was half full of water, this was why it couldn't drive i am thinking i may have not needed to replace the fuel pump and gthat probably one of the fuel stations i went to ( i guess the last one ) was pumping water instead of gas ??? O_O it chokes and stuff but he said if i keep driving it the remaining wetness will burn up meanwhile tthe transmission is leaking fluid and i took it somewhere else to look at this, other things too