Zenaan, thanks for your reply.  I appreciate the way your raise a value of rational discourse, which is important.

I raise a request for fairness: I have multiple issues from being "targeted as an activist" myself.  This means you get on lists like the terrorist watchlist and everything becomes harder, and you get randomly harmed by groups you've never met who have somehow developed a view of you as harmful.  You end up both mentally and physically injured, and it worsens.

I have a broken phone, 2 broken computers, and haven't spoken with most of my friends in years.  Other people frighten me when I see them because of my history.

Just look to the videos of cops brutalizing and murdering peaceful protesters in America, for evidence of the situation.  It is _hard_ to retain and share such evidence, very very hard, but is happening on a large scale and has been for a long time.

My signature is below but more replies are below it within your quoted email.



There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en masse, for profit.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 10:03 AM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 07:47:20PM -0400, Karl wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2020, 1:58 AM Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
> > Tucker Carlson and his children are now on the edge of being targetted
> > again, this time by the NYT/ New York Times/ Jew York Times (literally
> > owned
> > by very wearthy and very well connected, Jews).
> >
> > The reckless attemp by a (((certain faction of this one not so little
> > tribe))) to bring on the destruction of American civil society is an
> > abomination begetting of great karma, but in the meantime we will all pay
> > the price if they succeed.
> >
> > I live in Australia, thus unable to physically help.
> >
> > Those who care about good people, where you can, do your bit where you are
> > in assisting in some small way in the protection of those good people who
> > are targetted.
> >
> > This war is very real, though hard for many to see.
> >
> > The cost of failure is unimaginable to most folks.
> >
> > Jews, pull your own into line: Isaacson is clearly a disturbed individual.
> > You may have (collectively) had ~4500 years of repeated success, but that
> > does not mean things can't change.  Beware the wrath of heaven...
> >
> >
> >
> >    Tucker Carlson Livid; Dismantles The New York Times Over Alleged Plan
> > To Dox Him
> >
> > https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tucker-carlson-livid-dismantles-new-york-times-over-planned-doxing
> >
> >       In November of 2018, an organized Antifa chapter known as "Smash
> >       Racism DC" showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson -
> >       ringing his doorbell as their violent co-founder, Michael Isaacson -
> >       who loves dead cops and called for VP Mike Pence's assassination -
> > led
> >       them in chants such as "Tucker Carlson, we will fight! / We know
> > where
> >       you sleep at night!"
> >       "Generally speaking, Nazis will only actually attack people if they
> >       strongly outnumber them because Nazis are essentially cowards. So if
> >       it's three of them and a homeless guy, they're going to beat him up.
> >       If it's one of them and like six other people, they're gonna run the
> >       f*ck away," he told the Veritas journalist.
> >
> >           Throat punching is just a joke, huh? @lacymacauley seems to think
> >           so, but our footage seems to say differently. What do you think?
> >           pic.twitter.com/jNPUq1rlQQ
> >               — Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 19, 2017
> >               https://t.co/jNPUq1rlQQ
> >
> >       And now, if the New York Times does indeed dox Carlson - an
> > unemployed
> >       Antifa leader with violent
>                      ^-- casting anarchist groups as organized sources of
> violence with specific leaders is a meme that stems from the authorities
> hired to shrink their effectiveness

So you say that Antifa is an "anarchist group".

What exectly is "an anarchist group"?

I suppose people who collect around valuing non-government i.e. community freedom.

> Zenaan, you imply you learned this from Fox News?

Did you fail to read the very first link to Zerohedge, and after that, the paste of the full Zerohedge story from that link then pasted?

Sorry; thinking too quickly.  The Zerohedge article that defends a Fox News host from a group of people expressing that the host was putting them in danger, and leaves out what the claimed danger is, appears to randomly assume that a professor supporting antifa is a cofounder who leads them.

So it would be either the new host, or zerohedge, or something nearby, participating in spreading the view that anarchists have leaders (they don't) and these leaders should be harmed (gets people hurt and reduces overt discussion of anarchy as a huge component of peace and safety).

> this would mean whoever
> is influencing the training of the police and FBI is also influencing that
> media channel.

That makes no sense to me.

Sorry, went really fast.  Police are trained that anarchist groups are terrorist groups (they aren't) and have leaders whom attacking would stop the group (it doesn't, it makes them get wary).  This is very similar to the professor mentioned in the article being called an antifa leader: but it is the news, not the training of the police.

Assuming the idea is a politically motivated lie, this would imply whoever is marketing it is influencing both your news and the USA authorities.  Stating this and expanding on it gives us power.

> It sounds like they are a caring heart in need of fewer events frightening
> their children.

You've used a pronoun here, so again I have no idea who, and therefore what, you're trying to talk about.

I mean whoever is lobbying the idea of anarchists having leaders and harmful groups.

> But targeting is not street theater or sabotage accusing you of genocide.

That makes no sense to me.  The sentence contains multiple undefined concepts which you seem to assume the reader already knows about.

Yeah I'm just talking on but here: street theater is when a bunch of people do something in public to get ideas about an issue noticed.  It can become harmful harassment if the topics of the presentation are overexposed to it without explanation or relation.

People who have been exposed to more harm may do more than just theater, to the point of damaging property with threatening messages.  This means their suffering is being ignored, and they have reason to believe it is being caused by their target.

> Targeting is discovering your bank balance has suddenly always been empty,

"suddenly always" makes no sense to me.

It means the bank records have been altered, so that nobody believes you had money yesterday. "Suddenly" my bank history says I have "always" been broke.  Blockchains make that a lot harder.

> you can't get medical treatment because you're already legally dead, and

This also makes no sense to me.

Government and medical records have changed to include a death certificate for you.  This means you run into major hangups when you try to get a physician or register for medical assistance.

> you get beaten up for something somebody else did whenever you try to
> communicate with your friends.

This is very vague, but it sounds like it possibly comes from one, or two, personal experiences of someone you may have heard about.

I'm just referring to being targeted vaguely; it is coordination of a bunch of systems to take you off the map and send a message.  One could, for example, find themselves held responsible for things that have happened _to_ them, with nobody believing complaints to the contrary because everybody has heard another story.  Corporate mob bosses have a lot of resources.

My targeting was very anonymous and deniable because I know about blockchains and data recovery.  This is not true for most people.

It is incredibly normal for communities to become scattered and unable to communicate with each other because of a bunch of coordinated problems happening to each person involved.

> Which is what happens if you call any media
> chain out on a set of bad lies with your public legal name.

This sounds like a vague threat or another possibly personal experience you may have heard about, but in general is so vague as to not be meaningful except as a general "justification of some other vague thing, by threat/ blame psychology" which sounds like quite a demeaning thing __to the person making such a statement__, which at this moment appears to be you.

Here you have lost me.  It's nice to try to connect across such distant differences with you that we both lose each other these ways.

Threats are challenges to help show that threatening behavior is ineffective and we need to communicate peacefully.

When somebody discovers something like a media chain is actively involved in genocide, records proof of this, and starts broadcasting that proof, people who care more about stock returns than cultures being tortured and murdered seek out all the ways to silence that person that they can.

> I expect most of the people in Smash DC have experienced some degree of
> targeting.

Your stated expectation is not based in any fact you presented.

I have lived with the kinda of people who would make a group with such a name.  They tend to have no money, and have to lie about who they are to get respectful replies.

> fantasies will know right where to send his
> >       angry mob.
> >
>   Only a secret service controls a mob.  And vice versa, I infer.

Your inference is not based in any fact you have presented.

This one wasn't supposed to have provided factual backing.  The other ones wish their backing survived to reach this thread.

How does it land for you if I link COINTELPR https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO or the bombing of MOVE https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing ?

... ...

Thank you for removing my mess.

> My phone died.  My replacement phone is more buggy and is doing things like
> duplicating quoted material and disappearing the selection handles from
> text.

Your phone problems are not a concern of mine and add nothing to your statements and vague assertions above.

If you wish to lower the burden on your readers, you might consider refraining from your attempts to write emails using your phone and to use someone's computer with keyboard, instead - so far you have often replied to more than just the list, and in this email included unnecessary duplicated text at the same time as pre-emptively apologizing for doing so, rather than actually rectifying this problem.

Thank.  Calling this out helps me work to rectify it.  It's a journey.  I need more calling out.  Removing you from "To:".  I spent yesterday trying to find a rootable high-end phone but it turns out the carrier shops don't sell those.