Zero Reserve - A distributed Bitcoin exchange tl;dr: Proposal and prototype for a distributed exchange not requiring a banking gateway. Implemented as a plugin for Retroshare. Licensed under the LGPL. The Achilles heel of Bitcoin is the exchanges. Centralized as they are, they can be shut down by a number of means, by a number of players. Should that happen, price discovery of Bitcoin will not work any more. To address that, we offer a distributed exchange without the need of the banking system. Some intro and marketing blurb is here: A tech paper is here:!vZ80yQJS!ccrCBREYZrOPr8oK7C9StVGuDmYENNYwrFiPXZVQldM And the code is here: In short, ZR uses the Ripple idea of Ryan Fugger to get money in and out of the exchange. ZR has nothing to do whatsoever with, however. As such, there is no need for XRP. There is no pre-mining, no company, just code. Now the caveat: This is prototype software. Anything may or may not work. Security is only what the underlying Retroshare provides. The distributed order book works, but is still insecure. Currencies are therefore only defunct or fantasy currencies such as German Papermark(1923). Nothing you do has any effect on the blockchain. The next steps are: - hook up to the blockchain (using Amir Taaki’s excellent libbitcoin) - providing basic wallet functionality - provide authentication for anything beyond F2F. I see no reason why it wouldn’t work on OSX, but ZR was never built on it. It does build and run on Linux and Windows, though. Once you are on Retroshare and have some friends, you should be able to use this link to get and subscribe to the Zero Reserve Forum: retroshare://forum?name=ZeroReserve&id=b87d0a5577ced312d88a0ee8176e24a1 One of my RS identities: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: OpenPGP:SDK v0.9 xsBNBFIrLBYBCADVYF9kvYYv+IOwlgHFcsdTIMAd7gIEbSaSLRWwFXZwTlxK8CGD x3kxSmUQXUl1hfm091CGBh5Xe+0O6RUdXYE6NuBTGzvIH8OHBjhCOb4cswIUAPnK rdX0O0U/tR5Jx9pQjfY5hbC6tDt/l4AtKcfi/7xUzpRkNibuEieky4aN6L4rAijO EBrEllkVKTOeoF/OQhz+nlQdt557RSt/NAIYnfMM+qekBDL+2I3Gsr5xk/7Rf2fI dIw2sQHrvetHZawypNuvZ/J7+t05FmtKShS4XObR3qcqd1pviTKJrrVoJJgI5PnZ +nEnzbtBsOwX1Y+FXCm4D8QN5vUpZN2zlznfABEBAAHNN0V1Z2VuIExlaXRsIChH ZW5lcmF0ZWQgYnkgUmV0cm9TaGFyZSkgPGV1Z2VuQGxlaXRsLm9yZz7CwF8EEwEC ABMFAlIrLBYJEJ9ljeAE3+qzAhkBAAD1sggAtJRoahysNczoTBlxeckAgtzUJlkL tcD5N+38NN2U+ivfaK67kF8mMZFiVyjcOrYmvtWesC50n2lRT6Vo1nkm8blfHzun rZ8j64KxAdiuM9XCT7JK1OMdk9VuFYvvEoFGGHCoZ402w4Jav/KgNY3G8obslv/Y peHdsYBdP5+6fM0qEhVbzahWDO95fYmB83X+KGfnf1bPrLy7gXDDphxxziBnMk7G nVNgBwFR8ohmJFlLxJHh8g1XjRFYicoQmKAm7X8E1V6Mw61AQXGV7gWOsqLu075c tCkzuTj2hE1li92oqcuyVmQEf5Bf/bBX9IUvkuAKFDrr7XqUqkyXKwow+w== =wccP -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----