colin ross is a psychiatrist who also provides recovery for military mind control, and is world-renowned. this book is an intro to trauma recovery.

short notes from whole book
- you must take the exercises into daily life
- review content and practice exercises you find helpful
- be a teammate with yourself!

ch1 long notes
- the book discusses trauma and also provides self-help. it’s 12 chapters.
- to improve, the reader must do the exercises in each chapter and take them into their daily life
- the book is an additional resource to needed conventional care
- read the book patiently, a paragraph at a time
- everybody can recover, and it will be slow.
- parts of the self can’t be eliminated. trauma stimulates inner conflict, and we must find how to be a teammate with our parts.
- go slow, and remember that you, your parts, and your experiences, have shared goals

ch1 assignments
1.1 What changes do you expect to occur as a result of your efforts in reading this book? Please try to write down a few things that you think would possibly get better in your life after completing the journey of these 12 chapters.
> It sounds like I will learn about Colin Ross’s understanding of trauma, which is probably the normal mainstream understanding. It’s hard for me to understand how the book and exercises will help me, but I guess I might expect that, with work, my relation with my experiences would improve, which would make me happier and more able to plan my days. I bet it will help inspire and guide me some to find therapy and stability, among other things. I bet I will have a better answer to this question after engaging the book more, as recovery is dissociative for me, and I don’t know the book well yet.
I’m trying to learn to spend more time on recovery, and I’m hoping this could lay more easy groundwork for other resources. I also expect I might work much more effectively with therapists who follow the treatment guidelines of the author. That might really help me.

1.2 Everyone needs help sometimes in life, but seeking help could be a difficult step. What makes you want to read this book and improve your life?
> When I learned mind control was a real thing and there was real recovery from it, I was immensely excited. I didn’t believe I could ever direct my own life again. I want to find how to be free. It’s very hard to think and say, but it’s obvious too, for everyone.

ch1 questions 1 = strongly disagree 10 = strongly agree
1. Does the content in this chapter relate to your experience?
> 4 ?? i have denial
2. Have you learned this content before?
> 2

that’s ch1 :D ch2 is on safety :S