I was ever interested why Russia tend to support other side. Again and again and again. That is something I'm thinking for years. Whenever some dictatorship with idea to persecute singing and dancing occur around the globe, Russia is there to help. Question is and was: why? [as usual]. IMHO it is just cynical point of view of rocket businessman nobody wants to buy from and political reasons are at 2nd place, but its possible I'm wrong. In my country Russia tend do do whatever possible to get to power again, and fact is, that "ostalgia" is helping them, IMHO interim state of mind of my fellow citizens but imho dangerous too. So fuck this unclear propaganda and not really technical and hacker-like propaganda blog, or whatever it was. But as written in Clash of nations Russia is and will be here and I agree we should care. They are almost worse totality than China and luckily not even half of China power. I have some friends there who are under heavy pressure already. So it is good to know we are not working and talking against some NSA or so, but we are working and talking against gov that is willing to kill you if you are LGBT or from Chechnya. So fuck gov still apply, but again we are trying to kick bear to the ass. So come on punk, gimme the fight ;] Regards and PF2016, -- Overdrive On 20.12.15 1:32, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Those not interested - look away. Interested in Russia's capabilities? This innocent little URL may be of interest.
By Pepe Escobar, a playful writer if ever there was one.
Enjoy :) Z
-- “Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.” ― Thor Heyerdahl Hackerspace project ........ https://labka.cz Telegram ................... @over23 Telefon .................... 00420 721 007 507 facebook ................... facebook.com/overdrive23 twitter .................... https://twitter.com/#!/over2393 GnuPG key FingerPrint ...... 08EA E4DC EF85 0F02 9267 5B48 2E58 6902 C5F8 794C Public key ................. http://overdrive.dronezone.eu/overdrive.txt