https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html (Great blogs BTW) https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/knfcx/i_am_signed_up_for_cryonics_at_... http://www.alcor.org/blog/hal-finney-becomes-alcors-128th-patient/ Cypherpunks will be needed in the future, even if only to break out of the Matrix. Avoid info death... Imagine a patient arriving in an ambulance to Hospital A, a typical modern hospital. The patient's heart stopped 15 minutes before the EMTs arrived and he is immediately pronounced dead at the hospital. What if, though, the doctors at Hospital A learned that Hospital B across the street had developed a radical new technology that could revive a patient anytime within 60 minutes after cardiac arrest with no long-term damage? What would the people at Hospital A do? Of course, they would rush the patient across the street to Hospital B to save him. If Hospital B did save the patient, then by definition the patient wouldn't actually have been dead in Hospital A, just pronounced dead because Hospital A viewed him as entirely and without exception doomed. What cryonicists suggest is that in many cases where today a patient is pronounced dead, they’re not dead but rather doomed, and that there is a Hospital B that can save the day—but instead of being in a different place, it's in a different time. It's in the future.