Folks, you DEFinitely can't handle the truth, which is why you MUST stop watching RT - terrible, terrible truths, "kernels of truth, they take existing divisions and weaknesses of our own making and reproduce them, put them out, retweet them indefinitely" You heard the man - and Suzanne Spaulding is even a former Homeland Security official, so these warnings about RT that she is quite literally bringing to public awareness, really must be taken seriously folks - RT.com from now on is simply offlimits to y'all! Literally: Truth is dangerous! Former Homeland Security official laments RT’s truth-telling https://www.rt.com/usa/445084-truth-is-dangerous-former-homeland/ … Spaulding: "They feature every week, stories from our courts all across the country to demonstrate the truth of this statement. I don’t think there’s anything in there that is a lie." … to Spaulding it is still “propaganda” because the ultimate objective is to weaken the country by revealing its flaws ... On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 03:06:13PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Apparently according to Trump "Some things maybe the public shouldn’t see because they are so bad," Trump said, making clear it wasn’t damaging to him, but to others. "Maybe it’s better that the public not see what’s been going on with this country."
You can't handle the truth … apparently.
Trump Threatens To Declassify "Devastating" Docs If Democrats Investigate Him https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-28/trump-threatens-declassify-devasta...