On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 05:38:54PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
https://www.amdflaws.com/ https://safefirmware.com/amdflaws_whitepaper.pdf https://safefirmware.com/CTO+Letter.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDByiRhMjVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgYhOwikuGQ
As with Intel's decades of fail, this is yet another salvo exposing the proven laughable security, bullshit, and FUD of closed source products.
Recent CPU issues were presumably found by independent researchers. Wait till Snowden style mass corporate leakage begins to hit.
Solution, replace such legacy closed source models with...
#OpenFabs , #OpenHW , #OpenSW , #OpenDev
Ack! There are many solvable issues with openfabs such as: - trustability - people (Juan for openfab accountability executive FTW :) - jurisdictions (e.g. USA vs RUS fabs) - purchase/ pre-order scale/ cost of fab chip production runs Some thoughts on some approaches: - trustable processes to minimize requirement to trust individuals, e.g. auditability, and actual random audits (at each level of the manufacturing pipeline - design/ schematics, fab process, chips fabbed, boards shipped, end products received by human citizens) - build networks of people you trust/ those who will support with pre-buys/ promise to buy etc, IRL - sugar-daddy investors who have a spare $ billion here or there to guarantee/ bankroll, regardless of purchase commitments - but do NOT rush on this (Jordan Peterson gets this well), since such steps are doomed to failure if done before most or all of the key issues above (and others yet to be thunked), are actually solved, in place, ready to go - some dickwad will come in, proclaiming to be the messiah, and blow that $ billion before you can finish saying "ponzi scheme" - slow and steady, "grass roots" openhw tech stack presumably far better than flash in the pan of anything - consciousness of end users, therefore education ever important
Create more.
Internet analysis growing, including... https://viceroyresearch.files.wordpress.com/2018/03/amd-the-obituary-13-mar-... https://twitter.com/dguido/status/973628511515750400 https://hn.algolia.com/?sort=byDate&dateRange=pastWeek&query=amd https://www.reddit.com/search?q=amd&t=week
Interesting that CTS currently states having no plans to ever release full details publicly itself... a throwback to Snowden's third party release model... or just more closed bullshit games by player profiteurs and control agents... were there any difference.
Jim Bell's thought that it's a "revenge from Intel" might be "relevant (including military) contracts were shifting to AMD, at least temporarily whilst Intel fixed their FUBARs, and this was put in motion to release now that Intel's latest chips have been updated and they wants more precious claw backs contracts my precious... perfect timing (for Intel) on a few fronts.