On Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 10:05:31 PM PST, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:

"They Will Not Silence Me": McAfee Vows To Wage Presidential
  Campaign From Venezuela As He Flees Tax-Evasion Charges

Somewhere in the 1989 decisions of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in a case with a footnote 6, is mentioned that the "16th Amendment" was ratified with numerous ratification errors by many states, of spelling, punctuation, words,and other irregularities.  It could be re-found easily using the LEXIS law library computer system.

Despite this, it ruled that the 16th Amendment was validly ratified, which of course is nonsense.

In a 1997 Supreme Court case, I believe called "Clinton v. City of New York", the SC ruled that if only a single paragraph was missing between the passage of a 1000-page law, between the House and Senate, that would make the law invalid.

A single character, in the 16th Amendment, is far more of a difference than the proportion of a paragraph in a 1000-page bill.  

             Jim Bell