In late 2010 - after almost a decade spent online & almost 15 years of sustained interest in the net - I reached the unmistakable conclusion that the internet was now so strong it could take on any other earthly power and - indeed - any other combination of them - and win. All nation-states, large religions, large corporations and localized warlords could combine their forces and we would still beat them. And of course we have only gotten stronger every year since then and they have - collectively - gotten weaker. Acting on this conviction I began making surrender demands on the US govt. This way their collapse could act as a model for others and a rapid and peaceful transfer of power. The terms were the freeing of ALL Drug War prisoners - the reinstitution of 2003's PAM-FutureMap markets and - since Donald Dumbfuck - the announcement that ' APster ' was related to these extraordinary developments. Just so we're all on the same page - Btw, its good when our enemies bunch up - makes it easier to kill them. I see it as a sign generalized collapse-of-govts is nearer #COG