Is it a contradiction to support assassinations and revolution while also supporting peaceful petitioning for redress of grievances? Of course it is for any one individual. The anarchist is not one isolated middle ' finger ' though. They form ' hand-like ' bands and even ' fists-of-fury ' capable of killing a US president ( Hail Czolgocz ) Anarchist diversity negates the states favorite mode of repression which is ' Divide and Rule " Anarchist diversity is also powerful since it negates sectarian splitting tendencies as it effectively protests in massively peaceful waves that also allow for opportunistic hit-and-run attacks by our famous Blac Bloc contingent. These advanced demonstrations - Tahir, Euromaidan, Sri Lanka, etc - are replacing nationalist elections. They allow for ' close air support ' from cyberspace or anyplace. This is now studied in universities as ' Netwar ' No anarchist can ignore any of this. Ignorance never helped anyone outside the doomed. Welcome to the consciousness-raising revolution!