Yo, muh grits‼ Well well well, the man hisself, Stephen Spielberg, created the USC Shoah Foundation Institute For Visual History And Education, recording around 50,000 video personal testimonies. Out of these 50,000 interviews, there is some truth: Camp Orchestra (at Auschwitz) "the band played over the weekend, one musician was so good he wrote the notes" "we also did plays and stuff" Grand Piano "we had a piano, not just a piano, a grand piano was brought into block 1, and the downstairs room was assigned as a theatre, and the big dining room was set up as a stage" "my (female) roommate was in charge of work assignments, and he said 'what instruments can you play?'" Similar in Westerbork concentration camp "It was very peaceful and relaxing, and Otto wanted to talk more to me, that is when I met that SS man at one time." "When I was in block 10, we went out to pick the leaves, and from these leaves they would make tea for the whole camp, for the whole Auschwitz." Buchenwald Movie Theatre "there was a library" "we had a violin quartet" "later on they said they gonna build a movie in the camp ... and later on they did" "we could go to see a movie sometimes, in the evening, German movies" "we were allowed twice a month to write home, one postcard, one letter, they gave us the materials, we could buy stamps, we still got money through the Jewish community, from Vienna who sent us everybody some money" Camp Cantina "in the camp ... yeah, we could have money because there was a cantina, and once in a while they sold a few cigarettes or something, what they had, so if you had money you could buy it in the cantina there ... sometimes they sold some weak beer in the cantina, but not much else, mostly cigarettes." "when we went to the movies we had to pay" Camp Currency "After the regular money stopped, we got paid in coupons then." "Paid for your work?" "Well, I dunno for work ... whatever, we got paid for, in coupons, which were redeemable in that cantina, if they had something. So that was their way of distributing money. To everybody - everybody got this money then." Soccer Camp "Of course what we did, for the weekends, we got a group of us together and we made a soccer team." Q: "That's amazing that you had a soccer team, that you had enough energy left to do something like that." A: "Well, I don't think we were quite as energetic as we were, with the regular team, but we did something to, you know, it kept our mind off the problems we had" Q: "You mentioned to me the other day that Monowitz was like a college library" "We had soccer games, soccer teams - we were organised very well. Each nationality organised a soccer team, and we organised our equipment and everything to play soccer, on the assembly line, at Gross-Rosen. So you know, that much free I was, and that was 1944 ... Americans already invaded, so they had to give more freedom [in the camps], but food didn't improve very much, for the simple reason, -they- didn't have very much themselves" "We had almost everything that we wanted for that soccer games, soccer teams, from the civilians, from Auschwitz civilians." and on and on it goes - plenty of facts for fiesty flippant ignorant snowflakes. Read it, view it and celebrate facts muh fellow Grits! Ocasio-Cortez Puts Old Shoes in Museum to Mock Sickening Lying Jews’ Holohoax https://dailystormer.name/ocasio-cortez-puts-old-shoes-in-museum-to-mock-sic... Jews tell the TRUTH about the Holocaust-lNiDMixYWMk.webm youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNiDMixYWMk -f43 (~30.52MiB)