On March 25, 2017 8:20:39 PM EDT, "\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Great, an oppurtunity to train the cyberPUNKS on the list about health. Forewarning, I am a Doctor of Holistic Health. That is equivalent to the best M.D. whether brain surgeon or otherwise. I am also published in the domain of cipher algorithms (CRYPTOLOGIA, 1993).
So forewarned. What THE FUCK do cipher algorithms have to do with drugs? Oh, that's right, NOTHING.
On 3/25/17, John Newman <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 10:49:32AM -0400, \0xDynamite wrote:
Saying pot is harmless is like saying taking Prozac is harmless. The problem is the NET social consequences. And we can see the consequences: shit doesn't get done and things deteriorate.
'Nuff said?
No, nuff not said ;). Life is not about working 24 hours a day,
Never said otherwise.
and comparing pot to prozac is silly.
It's not silly, both "take the edge off" (mild sedatives) and practitioners believe it's harmless.
Prozac is not a "mild sedative". It's an SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), very similar to a whole bunch of other anti-depressants, but not at all similar, in any way, to pot.
So you're being "retarded" (inhibited) somehow? Hmm, I doubt you have sufficient scientific credentials to be argueing on this, but hey, it's your reputation.
So you are saying that Prozac is an anti-depressant? No, not really. it is an anti-psychotic. Wellbutrin and Zoloft are classified as anti-depressents. The fact that some people feel "happier" on Prozac is a complex result of a very pathological society and the exreme drug interactions happening at the collective soul. I think you, like the fucking Establishment, are severely confused about mental health and you shouldn't be opening up your fucking mouth, if all you can do is parrot the Establishment like an ape.
NOT THAT IT MATTERS, but Prozac is in fact an anti-depressant.
The comparison _is_ silly. It's apples and oranges - they're both fruit, but the similarity ends there.
The comparison was a direct counter-response to the claim that "pot is harmless". Whether it's apples and oranges is irrelevant. Why don't you just admit that you're interested in the political battle of pot legalization rather than try to be a doctor? Like your friend "Dr. Carl Hart" who wants to "educate" me without bothering to ask me what I already know.
Pot IS harmless, you fucking twit. How much did you pay on the internet for your degree in "holistic health"? I suggest you get a refund.
It's great that you're straight-edge, how fashionable,
It's not fashionable, it's healthy. I shouldn't of used the fashionable term. I was answering your claim that I'm a pill-popper or an alcohol drinker, and the answer is: no.
My claim of what? Umm.. check your email man.
Not your claim, Razer's I believe was. Please "check your email man".
Then don't tell ME I made such a claim. Your response was to ME. I never claimed any such fucking thing, as you know.
I take you at your word that you are "straight-edge" (although I'm sure you have no problem taking an aspirin if you have a headache or taking whatever meds a doctor might prescribe if you are ill). The fact that you seem to think I called you a pill-popper just goes to show: it doesn't take weed (or pills) to fuck with your memory :P
No, I don't pop aspirin, nor would I trust a fucking doctor of this
Wow, what an amazing example of the "straight-edge" ideology taken to it's logical "retarded" extreme. I suppose you wouldn't take some phenytoin if you were in threat of death from a seizure condition either? Straight-edge to the max! Also a good example of natural selection in action.
fucked up establishment to prescribe something to me. Why do you think America acts insane? It can presently be diagnose with several pathologies listed in the DSM. The fact that it hasn't been taken down for the protection of it's own values and to cease being a "danger to others" is a consequence of people like you who wants to keep the bullshit going fullsteam ahead while you sit back and enjoy a toke for YOUR "health and well-being".
For that matter, marijuana has finally and fairly quickly begun to be acknowledged as having legit medical benefits in the US, by the "authorities" (who I clearly give a big 'fuck you' to, but anyway).
Yeah, obvously. (Pshaw and *PUKE*) (Sarcasm intended.)
There are some cases where it is the only medication without significant side effects that controls seizures...
People have seizures because they've been lied to and their body is now fighting itself.
Dude you are a fucking joke. You have no clue about neurology, please stop pretending. Really, save yourself some embarrassment.
and other cases where patients find it vastly preferable for treatment of painful conditions as opposed to long term prescribed opiates, which are of course extremely addictive, potentially dangerous, and can have a powerful "high" that some people simply do not like.
Just like America to believe that pain is something to wish away, though, isn't? "Here, take two of these... <g>"
Tough guy huh? Christ you're a fucking asshole. Have you ever flipped a motorcycle going 45 mph and landed on your face and arm? Ever been RUN OVER by a hit and run driver while crossing the road? Shit that hurts happens to people every day. In addition to the two personal anecdotes I just shared, there are people dying in horrible painful conditions all over the world... By your fucking moronic "logic" they should be left to suffer? Fuck you "tough guy"!
Too sedating, too "strong", in comparison with marijuana. I presume you wouldn't be so quick to judge people who partake of the plant if they simply have a piece of paper from a higher authority that says they need it?
See, once again, you (without explicitly stating it) are SUCKING THE COCK of the medical establishment here. You, without stating it again, are afraid of YOUR health and will RUN to the doctor if shit hits the fan and are too scared to sit it out. (broken bones and dermis, excepted in this critique).
Fuck you, you don't know shit about me or my health you judgemental fucking wannabe chump doctor of "holistic health"
but don't pass judgement on other people, about things of which you admittedly have no interest or experience.
So, you don't pass judgement? How about yoru leaders, capitialists, hmm? You're logically inconsistent, I suspect.
I don't pass judgment on someone's personal choices, no. Passing judgment on the actions of someone that has a direct negative consequence for others, like judging a murderer or a thief to be a piece of shit, or a politician who leads a nation into a war to be just a bigger piece of the same type of shit, is completely different than passing judgment on someone's personal choices.
Oh really? And how about when their "personal choices" mean that intelligent people with time on their hands AREN'T GETTING ANYTHING DONE on their own person WISHLIST? (like travel the world, or make world peace -- do pot smokers have no life whatsoever that they wish to create other than being a fucking deadbeat American?)
It's a PERSONAL CHOICE you fucking fascist. People are free to comport themselves in whatever manner they choose. And, again, since this seems to fly past your tiny little brain, smoking pot DOES NOT automatically destroy all ambition and render a person a fucking zombie!! You would've made great anti-drug ads for Nancy Reagan or any of America's war on drugs crusaders (of which you are obviously a prime example).
Judging someone for smoking pot is like judging someone for being gay - it's absurd. What you suspect about me is wrong.
I my God, you like EVERY LIBERAL, are fucking confused on the topic of homosexuality. So don't even go there, unless you think you are one. Because *I*, have been there. I know far more about it than most homosexuals.
Making the broad claim that "shit doesn't get done" because of... marijuana... well, it's enough to crack me up, and my thc blood levels are just about zero right now.
All I know is that there are a lot of pot-smoking couch-activists. But, hey, maybe, you're in a holding pattern like me, and simply have to wait it out. In your case, becuase you don't know what the fuck to do, in mine, because everyone else thought THEY did.
Anecdotes are nice, but they're just anecdotes, and in this case from someone who obviously considers themselves superior because they are "straight-edge".
Chill out man. You feel inferior. It's okay. Don't cover it up with bullshit -- I had enough of my share of sugar-coated pieces of dogshit and can now recognize it from miles away.
There are plenty of people that get all sorts of shit done who smoke marijuana,
Okay. Kinda of like how capitalists think they get a lot of shit done.
just as there are plenty of people that get nothing done who are "straight-edge". It is not the defining characteristic you seem to think, and to judge someone based solely on that trait is being judgmental, and having a closed mind. A condition that the occasional indulgence in pot (or other entheogens) could actually help you with, actually ;)
My mind is only as closed so as not to get infected with deadbeats and open enough to let every truth in to form a synthesis that can fix this planet -- whether religion vs. science or nature vs. capitalism. I doubt you can claim that. Straight edge is a by-product of that.
Bahaha. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown and it's coming out of your fucking ears. I'd recommend a doctor for such a condition, but.. ;)