C-13, O-17 Responsible for all (?) CO2 Greenhouse effect

My name is James Dalton Bell. (MIT BS Chemistry, 1980). In late June 2009 I concluded that only the portion of the molecules of CO2 containing either a carbon-13 atom (1.1% of carbon in nature) or an oxygen-17 atom (0.038% of oxygen in nature) is responsible for most or all of the 'greenhouse effect' commonly attributed to CO2. In late July 2009 I wrote letters to Al Gore, 40 foreign embassies in Washington DC, and about 30 Congressional committees and government agencies (NIST; DOE) describing this. I stated that it would be relatively easy to remove the C-13 from natural gas and coal (via Fischer-Tropsch reaction, etc), and possibly from petroleum as well. In addition, oxygen could be distilled to remove most O-17 isotope in fixed applications (power plants). In December 2009 I wrote two certified letters (each) to Al Gore and Obama. So far, none of my letters have been answered. You can imagine the implications of this discovery. The problem, to the extent it may exist, is easily solved. Please help me confirm and publicize this news. Thank you.
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