RE: CDR: Re: why should it be trusted?
---------- Riad S. Wahby[] writes
Huh? Tarquin Fintimlinbin-Whinbimlim-Bus Stop F'Tang F'Tang Ol=E9 Biscuit-Barrel? =20 Uh, what? This is a reference to a Monty Python sketch. Tarqin Fintimlinbin-Whinbimlim-Bus Stop F'Tang F'Tang Ole Biscuit-Barrel was
Nathan Saper <> wrote: the candidate for the Silly Party. In case you're wondering, Kevin Philips BONG! was the Somewhat Silly Party candidate, and the Very Silly Party candidate's name is not possible to type.
These being 'interesting times', life imitates art: The Official Monster Raving Loony Party has actually run candidates in Britain, and obtained votes (but not won any seats, so far as I know). The North American Silly Party Homepage. Doesn't look like this is a real one, but you could send mail to TarquinFintimlinbinwhinbimlimBusStopPoontangPoontangOleBiscuit-Barrel@sillyp,, or to find out. For a real and extensive list of US parties, try which includes such oddities as the Libertarian National Socialist Green Party ( Peter Trei
participants (1)
Trei, Peter