Re: Criticize Israel - Get Fired
Actually, Jews are actively using the electromagnetic frequency systems of the U.S. government and intrelligence agencies to attack remotely individuals who criticize them or who may think against them in one way or another. I have written more about this on Markku J. Saarelainen Autor:Mark ( Asunto:Interesting .. in September, 1999 I wrote down correctly that the head of Jews is in Estee Lauder, although I did not know it ... this "hain" means "finality in Hebrew ... I started getting these understandings, when ... Grupos de, soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.nordic, soc.culture.usa View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format Fecha:2001-10-26 17:36:45 PST I had communicated to my own voicemail box at BellSouth "There are too many Jews in the White House." and I had said "Play this music to your grandparents" (I played loudly some 3rd Reich songs .. so I must conclude that Jews attacked me started from the summer of 1999 after I had told to the Kremlin and on the USENET that Boris Berezovsky and other Jews must be fired etc ... Madeleine Albright was involved against me as I correctly noted in my notes earlier (they used the word insertation technique (basically word were placed to the phone conversation between me and my seperated spouse on December 15, 1999 as I have noted ..) They tried to kill me ... really KILL ME ... how interesting ... so the U.S. government with Jews destroyed my family and stole my moneys .. from the ordinary Finn. ------ A Medrash. Hashem said to Moshe "Hain Kirvu Yamecho Lamus". Your time has come. The end of your life is here. The Hebrew word 'Hain', the commentaries explain, implies finality. Hashem told Moshe, "You have been praying, arguing and negotiating with me to extend your life. It is not going to happen. The conversation is closed. The decision is in. "Hain!" Your time has come. You will not live to enter the land of Israel." Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at
participants (1)
Mark Saarelainen