All that recent stepping on our civil liberties must have left more than a few of our Congressmen with tender feet. I say we send them some Dr. Scholls relief.

keyser-soze@hushmail.com wrote:
All that recent stepping on our civil liberties must have left more than a few of our Congressmen with tender feet. I say we send them some Dr. Scholls relief.
Send them Dr Kopsch relief, instead. (Kopsch was one of the inventors of the teflon-coated, bullet-proof vest-defeating bullet.) Several of our elected wonders (eg, Maryland Gov Glendening, or Tejada et al in Rhode Island) are pushing for laws restricting the purchase, ownership, or use of bullet-proof vests without a permit. These proposals generally have exemptions for LEOs, judges, and, of course, elected officials. -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel 617-670-3793 "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato
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Steve Furlong