Taste the sweetness of a rich looking person.
have a happy st. patrick's day. she never looks like a senator from krypton on the red carpet. time for a new spring look... i told cate about st. patrick's day and ireland- she has a lot of irish ancestors through me. i have always dreamed of going to ireland, (and scotland too- mccaleb), to research our family history, and to see the green grass in real life. cate was so happy she began yelling "let's give a hand to springtime! may you always have courage to take a chance and never find frogs in your underpants. i am so grateful for quiet time with the scriptures. i am excited about my new running shoes. like this one, from sweet mary, that she left on the clean room post: "Your house seems so organized. when she does these weekends she fills up really fast so don't wait- if you need color and/or cut and/or face waxing at very reasonable prices email her promptly and she'll get you booked and give you directions. good news! this image of silke stoddard's knitting is burned into my mind and tatooed on my heart. i was chuckling while i cooked thinking about how my irish grandparents always had a plaque on their wall with this prayer on it: "may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your dead" ha! and i love it (thanks, coco). she's cute (so is corned beef if you've never tried it). you sit at the counter we ate corned beef and cabbage with irish soda bread last night in preparation for the day of the irish. and totally not what you are supposed to be eating
participants (1)
Cora Rodrigues