CDR: Cypherpunks, Recently Added Free Newsletters

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cypherpunks, this message is brought to you by The E-mail Newsletter Network. We appreciate your subscription. This e-mail message is never sent unsolicited. You asked us to notify you when more Free newsletters were added to the online directory at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cypherpunks, the following Free newsletters were added to the directory between September 1-15, 2000. MLMTRUTH Find Out What MLM Companies Don't Want You to know! Breaking MLM News & Learn How to Sort Through Hype and Make $$$. SAVE Money, Time and YOUR Reputation by discovering the MLMTRUTH! "I truly believe you have The Most Useful MLM Newsletter on the Internet" -- Jim Bryant. To get your hands on this revealing, politically incorrect, hard-hitting, insightful, and refreshing newsletter that has benefited MLMers since 1997, subscribe for Free now! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ YOUR INTERNET SERVICE STATION NEWS A Newsletter *Full* of resources, tips, advice, articles, business opportunities, freebies and more. All new subscribers can receive a Free Ad. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ ADVANCED RESOURCES/MARKETING NEWS Advanced Resources/Marketing News is a Free weekly Newsletter covering internet marketing ideas and sales strategies, website promotion, building your own web page and starting your own newsletter. Each issue packed with new, fresh articles and information you need to succeed. Join today! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ INFO INSIGHTS POWERZINE Internet Newcomers! Be a home based publisher. Solid articles show you how to develop and sell your own high profit information products plus find info fast and manage info overload. Subscribe now! Bonus gift. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ THE MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT OF MY LIFE! Extremely embarrassing true stories that happened on blind dates, during sex, at work, and in college. Very funny! Find it in the Jokes & Humor category: ~~~~~ BIZ SITE BIZ E-ZINE Biz Site Biz E-zine Gives you powerful weekly tips and concepts for marketing and promoting your business or e- zine. Get off to a fast start. Come on down and join us! Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ THE COUPON CLIPPER A weekly thrifty newsletter full of information that will save you money. Thrifty tips, food tips, gardening tips, featured articles, recipes and more. If you are thrifty, or want to be, this is the newsletter for you. Find it in the Home & Garden category: ~~~~~ WOMEN'S ONLINE MARKETING AND ECOMMERCE NEWSLETTER Monthly newsletter for women in business with original articles, tips and resources to help grow or start your online business. Find it in the Women category: ~~~~~ SUCCESS SOLUTIONS GLOBALZINE Information Packed Weekly Opt-in Ezine dedicated to providing YOU Solutions for YOUR online business Success. FREE ad and gifts for all NEW subscribers. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ THE OYESUCAN EZINE YES U CAN Ezine" is committed to delivering the very best in informative articles, tips and tools for the E- Commerce entrepreneur. A platform to exchange ideas, a storehouse of professional secrets and a vehicle to promote your product or service. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ THE WEEKLY PUZZLER The famous Weekly Puzzler - we'll keep you puzzled! Once a week, we'll send you a sample of riddles, puzzles, trivia, and brain teasers - fun for all - free and always rated 'G'! Find it in the Entertainment category: ~~~~~ SPOTLIGHT ON: WEB DESIGN RESOURCES Monthly e-mail reminder to view web-based newsletter with reviews of 3-5 new web design resources per month, plus HTML tips. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. Find it in the Computers category: ~~~~~ PROFITSTATION NEWS ProfitStation News is THE resource to get the no-hype, straight scoop about Internet Marketing. Published by Mark D. Petersen-Overton, Mark gives you data supported FACTS about what it takes to succeed on the Internet. FREE ezine advertising, FREE mall advertising and FREE consultation to all NEW subscribers. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ GET LIFE LINED UP! Achieve Your Highest Goals! Create Quality Relationships! Maintain Healthy Balance! SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO ALL THREE! Get LIFE LINED UP! A weekly ezine filled with insights, ideas and strategies for creating success on your own terms! Find it in the Self-Improvement category: ~~~~~ SPEAKING ABOUT WORK People Skills for a Competitive Edge in Today's Market! Information, tips, Q & A and articles. Communication, Team-Building, Managing Conflict & Difficult People, Building Trust, Achieve Goals, Balance--Skills Necessary to Healthy Workplaces AND Healthy Bottom Lines! Subscribe now! Published by Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, Creator of Get Life Lined Up! (tm) Find it in the Lifestyle category: ~~~~~ THE CREATIVE ADVERTISER Provide creative business and step-by-step marketing information to help your business run smoother. We'll show you how to generate unlimited prospects to your website - spam free; how to obtain $1,000 in publicity - using free ads; and how to find resources for your business - with out paying a dime! Subscribers receive FREE Bonuses! Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ HOMEBIZJUNCTION HERALD HomeBizJunction Herald is a weekly newsletter designed to help those who want to work from home. Filled with helpful resources, tips, success stories and more, HomeBizJunction Herald provides ongoing support for those wanting to earn their income from home. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ THE INSIGHT NEWSLETTER OVERWHELMED? FRUSTRATED? UNMOTIVATED? Don't give up! Insight is the free weekly newsletter featuring practical, real-life advice on goal-setting, dealing with difficult people, overcoming obstacles, and getting what you want out of life. Find it in the Religion & Inspiration category: ~~~~~ THE HOTRODDER The Hotrodder is published free for hot rod and classic car enthusiasts. All original content featuring hot rod, street rod, and classic car news, interesting articles, hot rod history, tech tips, product reviews, hotrod site reviews, and cool hotrod-themed fonts, sounds and desktop backgrounds for "hotrodding" your computer. Find it in the Sports & Recreation category: ~~~~~ KID KLICKS Kid Klicks by Spike the Wonder Dog. Let Spike send your kids daily e-mails full of great kid's web sites and fun. Spike especially likes to tell jokes sent to him by kids! Get Spike's Daily Giggle applet for FREE for your website. Find it in the Entertainment category: ~~~~~ KINDER KLICKS Kid Klicks -- Spike The Wonder Dog reviews fun and interesting websites for kids (jokes too!) every Monday through Friday in "Kid Klicks!" INTRO and SAMPLE - SUBSCRIBE. Join Miss Rosalind, the poodle, in reviews of fun and interesting websites for parents of little kids (and dogs!) every Monday through Friday. Great fun and learning projects! Some of the web's best writing! Find it in the Children & Parenting category: ~~~~~ BACKYARD NATURE NOTES Take a nature break! Informative tips, articles, resources and web site reviews for the whole family! Enjoy and enhance your own backyard. Find it in the Home & Garden category: ~~~~~ THE SENIOR CLASS Explore the rich tapestry of life with these two irreverent, fun-loving members of "the senior class"! Entertainment, news, health... you name it, you'll find great resources and loads of smiles! Find it in the Lifestyle category: ~~~~~ I'M NOT JULIA! Tips on entertaining, food, and fun for family get- togethers! Written by Merle O'Brien well known web author. Find it in the Food category: ~~~~~ SURPRISE PARTY! What's happening today? Famous and infamous Birthdays, People and Events... and lots of intriguing insight! Surprise Party tells you who did what when and why, you make up the party! Find it in the News & Media category: ~~~~~ SYMAN SAYS Start Your Day With A Smile... for the whole family! Syman Says it all with fun quips. stories and jokes. One of the best on the web! Find it in the Entertainmnt category: ~~~~~ LEARNING LINKS A newsletter for parents and teachers interested in the best education on the web! Sections for parents, grades K-6, 7-12, and teachers. Find it in the Education category: ~~~~~ THAT REMINDS ME Eleanor Roosevelt II tells heartfelt and funny stories of the two most important women in her life, her mother and her Aunt Eleanor Roosevelt. ER II has been called one of the 'real treasures of the web.' Find it in the Humanities category: ~~~~~ JUKEBOX! DIGITAL MUSIC ON THE WEB Everything you wanted to know about the e-music revolution - how to get it, store it and play it. Written for everyone. Find it in the Entertainment category: ~~~~~ EXPLORATIONS! Rediscover the Joy of Finding Things Out - Amateur Science on the web for everyone. Its hands on and fun! Find it in the Entertainment category: ~~~~~ MAKE WORDS WORK MakeWordsWork is a gathering of people who want to promote and encourage reading and literacy. Our goal is to share new ideas and join together to combat literacy. Find it in the Education category: ~~~~~ LITERACY INSIGHT Discussing and sharing the opportunities of the publishing industry. This column is to help and support those interested in writing, marketing, publishing and distributing creative works. Find it in the Writing & Reading category: ~~~~~ THE DAILY SYNERGIZER Wake Up Each Day To A Piping *Hot* Business Tips, Tricks and Strategy. Delivered Right To Your Inbox *Steaming* and ready to be devoured! With the BEST in Motivation, Marketing and MORE! Tailored For The Small Business Entrepreneur. GET IT NOW. Find it in the Investing & Money category: ~~~~~ PARTENON NEWSLETTER & 2BUCKS UPDATES Published once a week to give you selected articles on the home biz topic and lot's of ads in your search for the best BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. On-Line since March 1998. 5 quality E-Books, FREE to new subscribers. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ LANGUAGE TEACHING NETWORK A network for teachers and educators to connect. FREE access to international job bank, free e-mail account, software and lots of other resources. Online language school directory, and distance courses. Find it in the Education category: ~~~~~ XTREME MARKETING TIPS As Your Internet Marketing Specialist We Strive to Bring You Cutting Edge Internet Marketing Solutions for your Online Business. Just for subscribing you will receive 4 FREE E-Books including: Stealth Marketing, Search Engine Tactics and Guerilla Web Marketing, and 101 Free Marketing Tips. Plus as a Subscriber, you could Win 100,000 Ezine Ads! Subscribe Today! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ WEDDING MAGIC Weekly newsletter from with wedding etiquette tips. Also info on special deals for brides from and elsewhere on the web. Find it in the Women category: ~~~~~ STRIDE, SELL, SOAR! Anyone that sells or markets ideas, products or services will enjoy the professional, inspirational and light-hearted environment. Empower and improve yourself through education, community and laughter. Sales and marketing tips, inspirational quotes and new and informative articles will help you sell more. Find it in the Religion & Inspiration category: ~~~~~ CASHPROMOTIONS CONTEST NEWS Unique multi-media promotions to drive prospects to your business or web site plus education and tips for conducting business online. Contest, Affiliate Programs, and more. Find it in the Contests & Sweepstakes category: ~~~~~ AARDVARK MARKETING & DEVELOPMENT Weekly Web Site Marketing and Promotion Newsletter. With more editorial than advertising, no hype - just informative articles, FREE STUFF, and the occasional humor to brighten the day. PLUS FREE ad for all new subscribers PLUS a FREE ad on the classified pages on our web site PLUS claim a FREE ebook - MASTERS OF MARKETING. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ COM SOURCE Services as well as business opportunities. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ CYBERCITY REPORTER Keeping tabs on what's doing in the hot CyberCities. Each week we provide you news on Local, Regional, National and Global levels that affect technology and the Internet. Networking and Educational events, job openings, tips, security and anything else we think may be of value to you. Find it in the Computers category: ~~~~~ THE WIRE WORKER Start Your Own Jewelry Business!--We show you how to make your own jewelry from gold and silver wire. No torch or expansive machinery needed. Start right on your kitchen table with a few craft tools. Make money your first few weeks! Find it in the Arts category: ~~~~~ CHATZONE NEWSLETTER WANT CELEBRITY NEWS WEEKLY? Britney Spears, 'N Sync, Madonna, Sisqo! Get Your Celebrity Gossip delivered FREE! Plus: - Exclusive Online Celebrity Chat Events and Insiders news on Music, Movies, and Books! Find it in the News & Media category: ~~~~~ CYBERPROFIT$ TODAY CyberProfit$ Today is a FREE newsletter stuffed with powerful wealth-building secrets, HOT traffic building tips, awesome tools and resources to help your online business make MONEY. As an added bonus, new subscribers receive a FREE online promotion package valued at over $199! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ TWO SCOOPS The weekly lifestyle newsletter to build up your mind, body and spirit. Filled with informative articles with practical ideas and everyday wisdom, this is the one newsletter you'll read top to bottom. Find it in the Lifestyle category: ~~~~~ ACCESS2WEALTH MARKETING SECRETS Learn Internet marketing tricks, tips and tools. Information about online promotion and marketing, affiliate programs, resources to promote your online business, traffic, freebies and special offers. FREE. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ OPT-IN LIST BUILDING TIPS Tips for anyone interested in building their online business by building a targeted, opt-in e-mail list or ezine. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ WEIGHT LOSS & FITNESS Author and exercise physiologist Greg Landry publishes this newsletter that's loaded with weight loss and fitness inspiration and information. Find it in the Women category: ~~~~~ PARENTPRENEUR WEEKLY Find it in the Children & Parenting category: ~~~~~ PROMOTELINKS NEWS PromoteLinks News brings Internet Marketing alive and keeps YOU up-to-date on what is happening on the Internet. High-quality and professional newsletter. Highly Recommended! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ COUNTRY MUSIC CLASSICS FREE weekly newsletter all about classic country music from the 1950's thru the 1980's. Stories Behind The Songs, Question & Answer Section and more... and subscribers win CD's & cassettes! Find it in the Arts category: ~~~~~ COUCH POTATO MARKETING EZINE The Couch Potato Marketing ezine serves up a weekly plateful of practical online marketing advice and timely information. If you're serious about rolling up your sleeves to do the work necessary to grow on the World Wide Web, then this is the resource that will keep you fortified and fed with new ideas, tips, expert advice and news of interest to assertive online marketers. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED Proven marketing and promotion tips and tricks directly from successful Internet Marketers, We will keep you abreast with the latest marketing tips! Simply subscribe! Free e-books, marketing and promotion tools and courses, low-cost ezine advertising... ALL to assist you on your way to Internet Success! Subscribe NOW and get... Your FREE weekly ad, 3 e-books by TOP Marketers! Enter our Free sponsor ad contests! Your free ad in our Free AD- CO-OP! All this for FREE to YOU, Forever! Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ PENNIES2DOLLARS Discover strategies, methods and techniques for successful internet marketing, tips for building wealth through the Internet, advice on traffic building, e-mail marketing and web site promotion and much more! FREE 25-word ad every week for subscribers, FREE report and over $200.00 in FREE marketing tools and ebooks! Subscribe today! Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ HOLYPROFITS NEWSLETTER How to turn your website into an automated Cash Machine! How to Build an Internet City and create Multiple Streams of Income! We will show you the right Internet tools to lead you to Holyprofits! Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ SEEHEARTALKSHOW SeeHearTalkShow Newsletter - Learn All About the amazing new FREE cutting-edge Web-Based Multimedia Technologies that are rapidly improving and easing business/personal communication and marketing. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ HUMOR-EXPREZZ Join us for a daily grownup laugh of jokes, toons, trivia, amusing news, funny links, and more. We'll never clutter your mailbox with hoaxes, get rich schemes, or rags to riches stories. Join now, it's free! Find it in the Jokes & Humor category: ~~~~~ ALTACAN WEB TRIBUNE We will feature Internet marketing information such as software, tips, and tricks, that pertain to how to manage and promote a small online business successfully. Find it in the Internet category: ~~~~~ MAKE YOUR BUSINESS A WEB MAGNET We spend hours searching for online promotion tools and tips and we bring the best to your mailbox. JOINING BONUS: 50% off coupon. Find it in the Business category: ~~~~~ DEAR ABBY America's Number One advice columnist has teamed up with Brighten your day, every day, with a tips and advice to your e-mail. Its Free! Find it in the Women category: ~~~~~ MAX'S WORLD Max's World is a hilarious daily jokelist which features much more than just jokes! You get links, cartoons and free stuff! This is suitable only for the adult mind since some jokes can be dirty! Find it in the Jokes & Humor category: ~~~~~ VERTICAL BUZZ Vertical portals are major web sites or community destinations focused on specific topics, niches, or demographic affiliations. To keep on top of the latest news relating to vertical portals, their development, their successes and failures, and the communities they seek to connect with, try Vertical Buzz, a handy, hand-edited digest of vertical portal news. Find it in the Computers category: P.S. Cypherpunks, forward this message to your friends so they don't miss out on these great newsletters! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To remove yourself from future updates, click on the following link while connected to the Web:
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