Anonymous forwarded a video (with sound) of a cell phone gun, showing it being assembled and fired four times: http://cryptome.org/handy-gun.htm This device was described here some time ago, I believe, and while the forwarded post appeared to come from a USAF officer on Milnet, I wonder if the gun is authentic. Other stories on this? The AF officer warns that while the weapon has not yet appeared in the US, it is being found now and then in Europe, especially Germany. And US Customs is checking cellphones of arriving passengers, so do not hestitate to hand yours over if asked or you might get shot. With the millions of cellphones in Europe it is a wonder that a jumpy cop has not yet shot a kid for failing to give up an inseparable handy.

At 11:20 AM -0800 12/7/00, Dave Farber wrote:
Delivered-To: ip-sub-1-outgoing@admin.listbox.com Delivered-To: ip-sub-1@majordomo.pobox.com X-Sender: dfarber@pop.fast.net Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2000 11:20:01 -0800 To: ip-sub-1@majordomo.pobox.com From: Dave Farber <farber@cis.upenn.edu> Subject: IP: Re: ABCNEWS.com Cell Phone Guns Discovered Sender: owner-ip-sub-1@admin.listbox.com Reply-To: farber@cis.upenn.edu
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 14:20:47 -0500 To: farber@cis.upenn.edu From: Matthew Gaylor <freematt@coil.com>
Nothing really new here- I've seen pagers either firing a single .25 ACP round or acting as a concealed holster for a small auto for several years. Plus North American Arms has been making their mini-revolver in .22lr as the center piece on a decorative belt buckle for maybe 15 years. Several different walking cane guns are available as are umbrellas that either have a gun or sword blade concealed. I've seen one specimen that was disguised as a woman's lipstick that was really a single shot .22 (Talk about looks that Kill).
Working guns have been made concealed into the bottom of a shoe as early as the America Civil War. There are even gun collectors who specialize in such guns.
Regards, Matthew Gaylor-
For archives see: http://www.interesting-people.org/
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Thanks to Interesting People and Matthew Gaylor here is the ABC News report of December 6, 2000, on the cell phone gun: http://abcnews.go.com/sections/world/DailyNews/phone001205.html

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, John Young wrote:
Thanks to Interesting People and Matthew Gaylor here is the ABC News report of December 6, 2000, on the cell phone gun:
What's the big deal? A polished, greased metal thorn, spool of carbon and/or kevlar tape, epoxy resin, electrically ignited pyrocharge (crushed minibulb with intact filament), trigger switch with a cover slip, maybe coded if you want to get real fancy, lithium cell, capacitor. There's not enough metal in the thing to trigger the metal detector, it can look as about anything (flashlight preferrable).
participants (3)
Eugene Leitl
John Young
Matthew Gaylor