AUSA Threatens 60 Minutes in Bell Case

From: "An Assistant US Attorney in Seattle has threatened a CBS 60 Minutes reporter who is investigating the prosecution of James Dalton Bell in Western Washington District Court, warning the reporter that a subpoena will be issued for his information if he continues to investigate the case and its broader ramifications. According to a confidential source, AUSA Robb London, the prosecutor of the Bell case, warned 60 Minutes reporter Adam Ciralsky that a subpoena would be issued to Ciralsky for information about persons he had spoken to about the case and what he had learned if Ciralsky continued with his investigation."

Young said:
"An Assistant US Attorney in Seattle has threatened a CBS 60 Minutes reporter who is investigating the prosecution of James Dalton Bell in Western Washington District Court, warning the reporter that a subpoena will be issued for his information if he continues to investigate the case and its broader ramifications.
According to a confidential source, AUSA Robb London, the prosecutor of the Bell case, warned 60 Minutes reporter Adam Ciralsky that a subpoena would be issued to Ciralsky for information about persons he had spoken to about the case and what he had learned if Ciralsky continued with his investigation."
Your site: <snip> "Unrelated to the Bell case, Ciralsky has been involved in a long-running legal battle with the Central Intelligence Agency in a dispute about his former employment in the legal department of the agency." <snip> Bit of an understatement. By way of contrast: -Aimee

"Aimee Farr" <> wrote:
<snip> "Unrelated to the Bell case, Ciralsky has been involved in a long-running legal battle with the Central Intelligence Agency in a dispute about his former employment in the legal department of the agency." <snip>
Bit of an understatement.
I found the comment "First Amendment rights by Ciralsky and other Jewish-Americans as "pro-Israeli baggage" to be interesting-
20. In response to questioning about Ciralsky's treatment, a high-ranking CIA official whose identity was masked recently disclosed that the Agency uses a per se anti-Semitic profile specifically to target American Jews at the CIA for disparate and unlawful security and CI investigations and treatment. American Jews, Ciralsky among them, have had their security clearances revoked and have been fired by the CIA purely on account of the Agency's suspicion that Jews pose a special security risk because of a perceived divided loyalty to both the United States of America and the State of Israel. 21. According to the aforementioned CIA official, "the so-called evidence that has been presented regarding a number of individuals who, it's claimed, are spying for Israel . . . is very, very flimsy indeed" and CIA officials are "casting too wide a net . . . using tactics that are just not called for, and . . . are harming folks who are not a problem." 22. Ciralskyís CI and security files reveal that the CIA and the FBI began with the assumption that Ciralsky and other committed American Jews are disloyal Americans and should be treated as security risks. A selective release of documents by the CIA on July 7, 1998 reveals the following: a. official CIA records describe Ciralsky as a "rich Jewish" employee with a "wealthy daddy";
b. official CIA records compare Ciralsky to other "hard-line" Jews at the CIA who "think in terms of 'us' versus 'them'";
c. official CIA records refer to the simple exercise of First Amendment rights by Ciralsky and other Jewish-Americans as "pro-Israeli baggage" and a "CI issue" deserving of special treatment;
Regards, Matt- ************************************************************************** Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a blank message to: with the words subscribe FA on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week) Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 313-5722 ICQ: 106212065 Archived at **************************************************************************
participants (3)
Aimee Farr
John Young
Matthew Gaylor