mmotyka said:
I wonder what's the budget to date for chasing down one apparently not so dangerous guy? They may be creating, at great expense ( is there another way for a government to create? ), what it is they want to find. If they push him over the edge, in 5 years or so they can have a real manhunt with bullets and everything. What's the saying? 'The race is not always to the swift nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet.' Good for The Department ultimately.
Well, what would you expect, really? Jeff Gordon and all the others of his ilk are just a bunch of low-life, degenerate morons or they would not be working at the jobs they do. There isn't anything of the slightest redeeming value in *anything* they do -- their role in life is to create as many victims as possible, destroy as many lives as possible, make as many decent people as miserable as possible, while they suck away at the public tit, and generally burn up as many resources as possible. I was really disappointed that those 7 guys from Texas got caught so easily -- it really would have been nice if they could have wasted a politician or two or three, or at the very least greased a few more cops.
participants (1)
A. Melon