FBI Director Robert Mueller reports his bureau has no plans to investigate the chief suspect in the international anthrax mailings case. FBI Implicated in Anthrax Mailings Cover-up: Mueller Reports No Intention to Investigate Chief Suspect Sandpoint, ID FBI officials may be implicated in a conspiracy to impede justice in the anthrax mailings case, if not treasonous dereliction of duty, according to a growing number of scientists and consumer advocates. After officials cited the likeliest origin of the powdered anthrax was the U.S. Armys Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, or its Ohio-based supplier and CIA-contractor, Battelle Memorial Instititue (BMI), FBI Director Robert Mueller announced the bureau has no intention of investigating anyone with, or formerly with, their chief suspectBMI. Just weeks ago, major progress in the FBIs investigation seemed forthcoming. The New York Times and Washington Post revealed that BMI, Dugways anthrax facility supplier and chief administrator had contracted with the CIA (in project Clear Vision) to produce, albeit illegally, the 1 trillion spore-per-gram strain of anthrax under investigation. BMI, while heading the U.S. militarys Joint Vaccine Acquisitions Program worth more than $1 billion in vaccine contracts, commissioned Americas top anthrax expert, William C. Patrick, III, to deliver a report on the powdered anthraxs prospects for being spread through the mail. Thus, by mid-December, the public, including health scientists urged to help federal officials identify suspects, realized that someone with high level security clearance, a black-op budget, access to the BMI/Dugway anthrax labs, and vaccine sales incentive, most likely took BMIs powdered anthrax, and prepared it for mailing from Trenton, NJ; St. Petersburg, FL; Atlanta, GA; and Malaysia. For the first time since the 1975 Frank Church congressional investigation of the CIA for illegally stockpiling anthrax and other biological weapons, the public learned that the CIA had been violating the international Geneva Accord moratorium on biological weapons developmenta revelation somewhat embarrassing to American diplomats engaged in the global War on Terrorism. The day before Christmas, an Op Ed piece in the Wall Street Journal additionally implicated BMI, and potentially the FBI, along with rogue elements within the CIA, in an international conspiracy to commit and cover-up the anthrax mailings crime. BMI and Bioport, a Michigan-based offshoot of Britains leading biological weapons organization at Porton Down, were previously reported to be collaborating on the manufacture and supply of Americas only anthrax vaccine. Dr. Robert C. Myers, Chief Operating Officer of BioPort, told a Senate Appropriations Committee in 1996 that he was part of a team of organizations, led by Battelle Memorial Institute . . . The Journal writer Edward Jay Epstein cited the testimony of U.S. Army bioweapons official David Franz concerning Americas reliance on British intelligence provided by Porton Down officials regarding the development and use of the powdered Ames strain of anthrax. Thus, the FBIs disregard of foreign suspects, especially Porton Down, with direct links to Bioport and BMIs anthrax vaccine, vaccine contracts, and BMIs and Dugways anthrax experiments, was criticized by Epstein as it was days earlier in the Washington Post. More evidence of the FBIs intentional ineptitude came from the Columbus Dispatch. Though the Washington Post reported that the FBI was allegedly pursuing the possibility that financial gain was the motive behind the anthrax mailings, and that two laboratories were especially implicated, that is, BMI and Dugway, a contradictory announcement was relayed the same day (Dec. 21, 2001) by Ohio Senator Mike DeWine. Based on an ABC News report concerning a BMI employee who had been under FBI investigation for an anthrax threat, FBI Director Robert Mueller had, according to The Dispatch, assured Senator DeWine that the bureau was not investigating, nor intending to investigate, anyone with, or formerly with, BMI. Currently then, the FBI has no intention of investigating its chief suspect, despite the grave likelihood that the remaining mystery will continue to exact massive economic and socio-political tolls. These proceedings have bewildered and even outraged many scientists and public health professionals from whom the FBI requested assistance. In defending the FBIs position, the Washington Post reported that the bureau only learned of a BMI-administered CIA defensive biowarfare contract involving the Ames-strain of anthrax in recent weeks. The CIA program was [allegedly] designed to develop defenses to a vaccine-resistant strain of anthrax reportedly created by the former Soviet Union, officials defended. CIA spokespersons expressed certainty that the anthrax used in the mailings did not come from their work. Taking the agency on its word, the powdered anthrax may not have come from their work, but their contractors work, that is, BMI. Critics claim this CIA defense is deceptive for at least two other reasons: 1) the Soviet Unions most potent anthrax was only half as concentrated as this new CIA/Battelle creation; and 2) it is an American/BritishAmes, Iowastrain prototype, not a Soviet creation, and not resembling anything available to Iraq or other countries favored by terrorists. This spoils the excuse the powdered anthrax was produced for any form of defense, including vaccines. Vaccines are developed to help guard against pre-existing threats, said Ingri Cassel, director of the national Vaccination Liberation associationa consumer education and advocacy group. This anthrax powder was illegally prepared, apparently for offensive military uses, sabotage, and even terrorism. You simply dont develop a new hyper-weaponized strain of anthrax powder for military defense, which implies preventive vaccinations against old Soviet threats, and then commission the top U.S. anthrax expert [William C. Patrick, III] to report on this new weapons capability and lethality from mailed delivery, unless thats how you foresee it being used, Ms. Cassel reasoned. Many people are pondering the suspicious Machiavellian-like targeting of the mass media and congressional Democrats (liberals) befitting the phrase the ends justifies the means. Multi-million dollar vaccine contracts, fast-tracked drug approvals, and frenzied consumer and legislative demand for costly, risky, and largely ineffective vaccines, antibiotics, and other high-priced preventives are the most obvious results of the anthrax mailings. Referring to the unprecedented silica-based, electro-statically charged, dry powdered form of hyper-concentrated anthrax sent through the mail to members of the media and Senators Daschle and Leahy, Dr. Horowitz concluded, It was the only form of anthrax that could be effectively spread, as it was, through the U.S. mail with such far reaching effects. Therefore, the primary suspects have been identified, their dubious histories are well known, and their motives are clear. Any further effort to impede this investigation places FBI director Mueller in the position of an enemy national, or a traitor to the American people he is sworn to protect. We need you to take this Govt modified Virus so we can protect you-FBI's magic lantern links/hirstory Magic Lantern - The FBI's viral key-logger -links (english) by mg reposted 12:14am Wed Jan 2 '02 (Modified on 3:21pm Wed Jan 2 '02) list of links to articles Please feel free to distribute this far and wide: Magic Lantern - The FBI's viral key-logger - The Latest - http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0037.html >[ISN] FBI confirms "Magic Lantern" project exists http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0039.html >[ISN] Infamous hacker group helps the Feds http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0043.html Re: [ISN] Infamous hacker group helps the Feds - cDc calls announcement "satire" http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0053.html Re: [ISN] Infamous hacker group helps the Feds http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0064.html [ISN] DIRT-Magic Lantern Firm Barred from Gov Work http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0063.html >FBI may be getting full benefit of Magic Lantern... from BadTrans.B [ISN] FBI surveillance bonanza in BadTrans.B worm http://www.politechbot.com/p-02955.html >From the "We don't need no stinkin' oversight" dept.: Politech: FBI refuses to tell Congress aide about "classified" Magic Lantern http://www.corpwatch.org/issues/PID.jsp?articleid=1108 >Homeland Security, Homeland Profits Technology Already in the Hands of Law Enforcement http://www.corpwatch.org/news/PND.jsp?articleid=1092 >FBI Software Records Each Keystroke http://www.corpwatch.org/news/PND.jsp?articleid=1009 >Software Firms Object to FBI Eavesdropping http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/31/technology/ebusiness/31TECH.9.html > Scarfo, Phase 2: a.k.a. "Magic Lantern" CYBERSECURITY - Threat of Terrorism on U.S. Infrastructure (nytimes.com) What is Magic Lantern? http://www.msnbc.com/news/660096.asp?cp1=1 FBI software cracks encryption wall 'Magic Lantern' part of new 'Enhanced Carnivore Project' http://www.epic.org/privacy/carnivore/foia_documents.html EPIC Carnivore (and 'Enhanced Carnivore') FOIA Documents http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,5099906,00.html >ZDNet News: FBI's magic revealed as old tricks http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A3371-2001Nov22.html >FB I Is Building a 'Magic Lantern' (washingtonpost.com) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A1436-2001Nov22.html >FB I Develops Eavesdropping Tools (washingtonpost.com) McAfee sides with FBI against customers on "Magic Lantern" http://www.politechbot.com/p-02822.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech FBI reportedly creating "Magic Lantern" anti-crypto virus http://www.politechbot.com/p-02834.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech McAfee sides with FBI against customers on "Magic Lantern" http://www.factsquad.org/radio/2001-11-26.mp3 >The Spy in Your Computer? (.mp3) from Fact Squad Radio http://www.politechbot.com/p-02837.html Declan McCullagh's Politech Has McAfee sided with FBI on "Magic Lantern" detection? http://www.ct.heise.de/newsticker/data/wst-26.11.01-001/ >Spokesman for NAI in Germany disputes the Washington Post article from the German news site "Heise Online" http://www.politechbot.com/p-02839.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech McAfee replies -- by denying any FBI contacts of any sort http://www.interesting-people.org/ob/htsearch?config=lists_elistx_com &restrict=%2Finteresting-people%2F&method=and&sort=score&words=%22magi c+lantern%22 >"Magic Lantern" Discussion from Dave Farber's Interesting-People elist http://www.politechbot.com/cgi-bin/politech.cgi?name=mcafee >Declan McCullagh's Politech Background on McAfee/NAI http://www.wired.com/news/conflict/0,2100,48648,00.html >Wired News Summary 'Lantern' Backdoor Flap Rages, By Declan McCullagh http://www.politechbot.com/p-02840.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech AP's Ted Bridis replies to McAfee: "I stand by my reporting" http://www.politechbot.com/p-02846.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech McAfee broadens denial: No contact with government of any sort http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/23057.html >AV vendors split over FBI Trojan snoops http://www.politechbot.com/p-02851.html >Declan McCullagh's Politech Symantec pledges to acquiese to FBI backdoor demands http://www.politechbot.com/cgi-bin/politech.cgi?name=lantern >Politech Summary re: "Magic Lantern" http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/23150.html >FBI 'Magic Lantern' reality check (original article picked up by ISN, below) http://lists.jammed.com/ISN/2001/12/0015.html >[ISN] Magic Lantern reality check http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-7944351.html?tag=rltdnws >FBI snoop tool old hat for hackers http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/comment/0,5859,2829781,00.html >Warn ing - The FBI knows what you're typing http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,5100528,00.html >Antivir us firms: FBI loophole is out of line http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011210/tc/attack_tech_dc.html Antiv irus Firms Say They Won't Create FBI Loophole http://www.politechbot.com/p-02914.html >Politech: Symantec, McAfee backpedal furiously on espionage enabled-software http://www.politechbot.com/p-02918.html >Politech: More on Symantec, McAfee, loopholes, and espionage-enabled 'ware http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-8134814.html?tag=rltdnws >Antivir us firms balk at FBI loophole Existence of Magic Lantern Confirmed by FBI <http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-8160201.html?tag=mn_hd>FBI confirms "Magic Lantern" project exists http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,5100652,00.html >FBI confirms Net spying tool exists http://www.vnunet.com/News/1127639 Infamous hacker group helps the Feds [this one may be nothing more than humor or hoax... on the other hand, the related article: http://www.vnunet.com/News/87346 >Back Orifice just a phantom seems (at first glance) to be consistent with other articles regarding BO2K.] Magic Lantern's Closest Relatives? http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2072609,00.html>ZDNet: Back Orifice 2.0 http://pcrev.com/articles/trojan/pindex.shtml >Back Orifice (incorrectly referred to in this article as "Back Office") and other trojans http://www.vnunet.com/News/87346 >Back Orifice just a phantom http://www.codexdatasystems.com/ >D.I.R.T. - A prototype for Magic Lantern? http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/19480.html >Or is D.I.R.T. a S.C.A.M? http://cryptome.org/dirty-secrets2.htm >Dirty Secrets 2 - Data Interception by Remote Transmission http://jya.com/DIRT-spy.htm >D.I.R.T. being used to grab PGP keys as early as 1998 http://www.keylogger.net/ >Ghost - A Software Keylogger http://www.keykatcher.com/ >KEYKatcher - Hardware Keyloggers Can we trust LEAs? http://www.politechbot.com/p-00624.html>Illegal LAPD wiretaps -- for shame! by John Gilmore http://www.politechbot.com/p-00628.html>More on LAPD and illegal wiretaps http://speakout.com/activism/opinions/4377-1.html >Will the Government Know What You Type? http://www.onmagazine.com/on-mag/reviews/article/0,9985,12609,00.html
The Privacy Snatchers http://www.epic.org/privacy/wiretap/ The Electronic Privacy Information Center's extensive resources on wiretapping cases http://cryptome.org/dirty-secrets.htm >US Ambassador on Corruption Within Security Forces http://www.msnbc.com/news/646793.asp?cp1=1 First, brand all the children... By Brock N. Meeks Potential ways to detect (or protect against) Magic Lantern? http://spycop.com >Spycop http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/8839/utils.html >Hook Protect or PC Security Guard Warning: This page contains a possible "web bug" per Bugnosis http://www.stiller.com >Integrity Master from Stiller Research http://www.openantivirus.org/ OpenAntiVirus Project http://www.gnupg.org/ GnuPG (The GNU Privacy Guard) http://www.jetico.com Jetico's BestCrypt http://www.evidence-eliminator.com/go.shtml?A660528 Evidence Eliminator www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=...
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