CDR: - U.S. Supreme Court strikes down drug roadblocks - November 28, 2000 -- The Laws of Serendipity: 1. In order to discover anything, you must be looking for something. 2. If you wish to make an improved product, you must first be engaged in making an inferior one. Tivoli Certification Group, OSCT James Choate Senior Engineer 512-436-1062

At 05:12 PM 11/29/00 -0500, sunder wrote:
Jim, rather than sending this 63K email with a copyright violation, why don't you just send us the above URL with NO attachments?
It's not like you haven't been asked before. It's not like you can claim, "Oh, I didn't know." It's not like most of us can't access web pages.
There is something to be gained by duplicating what could be ephemeral content, e.g., for archives. As I download this drek at 28.8K I *do* support any call for serious editing, on general principles of signal vs. noise. 63K of *relevant* copy isn't too onerous, but should not be abused. My $.02

On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, David Honig wrote:
As I download this drek at 28.8K I *do* support any call for serious
Buy a decent fucking modem and dump that dinosaur. At 28.8k we're looking at less than 1m to d/l a 100k file. Big fucking time sink, especially when considering the total amount of mail one probably receives. If you're sitting there watching your mail d/l then you're bitching cause you got too much time on your hands. This list is about advancing technology and you bunch want to stay at 1980's sorts of handling technology simply because some small percentage of folks aren't willing to upgrade to current tech. It's their choice, it's their cross, it's their loss. You'r a bunch of self-absorbed self-important whinners. ____________________________________________________________________ Before a larger group can see the virtue of an idea, a smaller group must first understand it. "Stranger Suns" George Zebrowski The Armadillo Group ,::////;::-. James Choate Austin, Tx /:'///// ``::>/|/ .', |||| `/( e\ 512-451-7087 -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'- --------------------------------------------------------------------

At 12:13 PM 11/29/00 -0500, sunder wrote:
Jim Choate wrote:
... Jim, rather than sending this 63K email with a copyright violation, why don't you just send us the above URL with NO attachments? ... Read our lips: THE URL IS ALL WE NEED. NO MORE THAN THAT!
Of course, when somebody sends _just_ the URL, with no accompanying explanation of what it's about or why it's worth the time looking it up and reading it, we also rant them out for not including at least the first paragraph or a sentence or two of commentary :-) Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639
participants (6)
Bill Stewart
David Honig
Jim Choate
Jim Choate
Jim Choate