Larry Ellison: front page biz section: detail plan 4 nat. id.
"This week Ellison offered specifics about his proposal in an interview..." "The new ID's would be voluntary for everyone except immigrants..." "Q: why is a national ID necessary? A: All ... IDs are different and they are easy to counterfeit. My pilot's license ... is cut from a piece of cardboard." "Q: You've offered ... the database software for free. What about maintenance, tech support and upgrades? A: In terms of associated services we have a very wealthy government. I don't think the government has any trouble paying for the labor associated with the software... What's in it for me is the same thing that's in it for you: a safer America." "Q: How do you take this beyond the talking stage? A: I've been back in Washington talking to the FBI, the CIA, ... had lunch with Attorney General Ashcroft...there are meetings planned at the White House..." nauseum
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