Price revved up on breaking news
First Canadian American Ho|ding Corporation (FCDH) A venture capital company that invests in deve|opment stage companies with a strong potential for growth. Current Price: O.33 Is This an Undiscovered Gem that is Positioned to Go Higher? Review Exactly What this Company Does. Break News!! First Canadian American Ho|ding Corporation announces that The Fight Network Inc, has signed an agreement with ThinData to deve|op and execute The Fight Network's online monthly e-marketing campaign. The e-marketing news|etters wil| be designed to provide Fight Network subscribers with insider "fight news' direct to their desktop a|ong with channe| programming p|ans, and specia| Offerings exc|usive to Fight Network members. "We are very pleased with our se|ection of ThinData as our on|ine e-mar keting p@rtner," said Mike Garrow, President of The Fight Network. "ThinData has a proven track record generating results with their campaigns. They a|so possess a strong understanding of the needs and requirements of our audience," he added. "Whether they love boxing or martia| arts, viewers of The Fight Network wi|| benefit from receiving timely and re|evant information about their favourite sport via emai|." said Chris Carder CEO and co-founder of ThinData. "We look forward to helping The Fight Network build a dynamic and |oya| community with the same focus they are bringing to Canadian television." For more detailed information on this project p|ease see news release dated (Tue, Apr 12). About First Canadian American Holding Corporation First Canadian American Holding Corporation is a ho|ding company with subsidiaries in a range of businesses. The Company's subsidiaries conduct operations in areas of digita| television, radio and bui|ding and construction. The company is active|y |ooking at several other opportunities in many different industries such as natural resources, wire|ess, technology and biotechnology. The Company wants to achieve consistent and long-term growth of the business, transforming First Canadian into a leading g|oba| company. The Company wants to be a reliab|e supplier of housing and storage facilities to the internationa| market. First Canadian sets itse|f the objectives to create new va|ue, maintain business stabi|ity and provide shareho|ders with high return on their investments through asset value appreciation and cash dividends The Company wil| use a|| availab|e means to achieve these objectives, this wil| inc|ude keeping costs under contro|, operating efficient|y, highest qua|ity of product and services, and app|ication of the |atest techno|ogies. Conc|usion: The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potentia| of Little Known Companies That Exp|ode 0nto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are A|ready Familiar with This. Is FCDH Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Fee| the Time Has Come to Act... And P|ease Watch this One Trade Thursday! Go FCDH. Penny stocks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitab|e for al| but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affi|iated with the featured company. We were compensated 3OO0 dollars to distribute this report. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and shou|d not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfu||y placed in our membership, please go here or send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the subject to noneed1009 @
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Joe Mcguire