Can you send us a anonymous remailer that will work with the toy webtv ? Sons of Liberty Militia Tim Stine 312 S. Wyomissing Ave. Shillington, Pa. 19607 U.S.A. 1-610-775-0497 We_The_People_@webtv.net What is a Militia ? Defenders of Liberty & Freedom, and the Constitutional Republic. Against Tyrants ! Foreign and Domestic ! Resist the United Nations New World Order, and it's Global Socialism, actually a Evil Oligarchy of the Superrich. We must Declare our Independence from the U.N. New World Order ! Or forever lose our freedom. We_Must_Resist. For_God_And_Country. The_American_Revolution_Continues !!! http://community.webtv.net/We_The_People_/SonsofLibertyMilitia
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