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If not quite insane... Homeland Protection Pro mag won't take subs from just anyone Michael Miner says the premise behind Homeland Protection Professional is that government agencies no longer can afford to disdain one another. Circulation is controlled for now, but if subscriptions are eventually offered, "we won't take (them) from everyone who sends in a check," says editor Scott Baltic, who launched the magazine this week. He also doesn't want terrorists getting ideas from his Web site, so stories won't be posted until the magazine can come up with an unbreakable pass code. "Am I being paranoid?" asks Baltic. "Yes, I'm probably being a little paranoid." PLUS: Miner on the Trib's Chicago mag buy: "Think of Chicago as the Chicago Cubs of city magazines: a local favorite gobbled up for reasons of synergy -- in this case all on the advertising end -- that will never be allowed to become embarrassingly bad or expensively good." (Chicago Reader) SEEN AT
participants (1)
Matthew X