a more gnutellish napster, overseas

from http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/internet/07/16/fast.track.downloads.idg/index.h... When you log on to the FastTrack network, you are routed by a FastTrack server to what are called SuperNodes that contain lists of user files you can search, connect to, and download. Members automatically host SuperNodes on their PCs when needed -- and the number of SuperNodes grows and shrinks relative to demand. SuperNode computers are clustered by the thousands, so one search for a file may be handled by a hundred PC SuperNodes that intelligently rout and distribute requests, according to FastTrack chief executive Niklas Zennstrom. Zennstrom says the number of users on its network has been doubling each month, from 200,000 in June to 440,000 today, even higher than Webnoize's estimates. According to FastTrack, one million files were downloaded from its network last week. It reports 3.5 million copies of its software have been downloaded through its largest customer, MusicCity.
participants (1)
Al Qaeda