The following message was posted to Extropians by Fred Moulton.
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Date: Sat, 28 Nov 92 10:31:56 -0800
From: (Fred C. Moulton)
Subject: CFP93 information
Attached is some information on CFP93 which might be of interest to some
persons on this list.
The Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy
9 - 12 March 1993
San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, Burlingame, CA
The advance of computer and telecommunications technologies holds
great promise for individuals and society. From convenience for
consumers and efficiency in commerce to improved public health and
safety and increased participation in democratic institutions,
these technologies can fundamentally transform our lives.
At the same time these technologies pose threats to the ideals of
a free and open society. Personal privacy is increasingly at risk
from invasion by high-tech surveillance and eavesdropping. The
myriad databases containing personal information maintained in the
public and private sectors expose private life to constant scrutiny.
Technological advances also enable new forms of illegal activity,
posing new problems for legal and law enforcement officials and
challenging the very definitions of crime and civil liberties. But
technologies used to combat these crimes can threaten the
traditional barriers between the individual and the state.
Even such fundamental notions as speech, assembly and property are
being transformed by these technologies, throwing into question
the basic Constitutional protections that have guarded them.
Similarly, information knows no borders; as the scope of economies
becomes global and as networked communities transcend
international boundaries, ways must be found to reconcile
competing political, social and economic interests in the digital
The Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy will
assemble experts, advocates and interested people from a broad
spectrum of disciplines and backgrounds in a balanced public forum
to address the impact of computer and telecommunications
technologies on freedom and privacy in society. Participants will
include people from the fields of computer science, law, business,
research, information, library science, health, public policy,
government, law enforcement, public advocacy and many others.
Topics covered in previous CFP conferences include:
Personal Information and Privacy
International Perspectives and Impacts
Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties
Ethics, Morality and Criminality
Electronic Speech, Press and Assembly
Who Logs On (Computer & Telecom Networks)
Free Speech and the Public Telephone Network
Access to Government Information
Computer-based Surveillance of Individuals
Computers in the Workplace
Who Holds the Keys? (Cryptography)
Who's in Your Genes? (Genetic Information)
Ethics and Education
Public Policy for the 21st Century
For more information on the CFP'93 program and advance
registration, as it becomes available, write to:
CFP'93 Information
2210 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
or send email to: with the word
"Information" in the subject line.
General Chair
Bruce R. Koball
2210 Sixth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
510-845-1350 (voice)
510-845-3946 (fax)
Steering Committee
John Baker Mitch Ratcliffe
Equifax MacWeek Magazine
Mary J. Culnan David D. Redell
Georgetown University DEC Systems Research
Dorothy Denning
Georgetown University Marc Rotenberg
Computer Professionals
Les Earnest for Social Responsibility
GeoGroup, Inc.
C. James Schmidt
Mike Godwin San Jose State University
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Barbara Simons
Mark Graham IBM
Pandora Systems
Lee Tien
Lance J. Hoffman Attorney
George Washington University
George Trubow
Donald G. Ingraham John Marshall Law School
Office of the District Attorney,
Alameda County, CA Willis Ware
Rand Corp.
Simona Nass
Student - Cardozo Law School Jim Warren
Peter G. Neumann & Autodesk, Inc.
SRI International
Affiliations are listed for identification only.
Yanek Martinson!safe0!yanek uunet!medexam!yanek
this address preferred -->> <<-- this address preferred
Phone (305) 765-6300 daytime FAX: (305) 765-6708 1321 N 65 Way/Hollywood
(305) 963-1931 evenings (305) 981-9812 Florida, 33024-5819