Links for RE: Independent Institute Response To Phillip Hallam-Baker ("network externality")

For your convenience, here again are a few links that might be of interest to you: Also as David Theroux <>, noted, Liebowitz and Margolis's scholarly articles can be found in the Journal of Economic Perspectives; Journal of Law, Economics and Organizations; Harvard Journal of Law and Technology; Journal of Law and Economics; New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law; Encyclopedia of Law and Economics; and elsewhere, or more conveniently in their seminal book, WINNERS, LOSERS & MICROSOFT: In addition, more popular articles by them have appeared in Upside, Christian Science Monitor, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, Reason, etc. Some of these are available on The Independent Institute's web site at the following: So, again, the arguments are in these links. Once you have read them, please let David Theroux <> know how and why you differ. Incidentally, The Independent Institute's advisory board ( has included Nobel Laureates in economics as well as many who are on the short list for such a Prize. By the way, the 240 economists who signed The Independent Institute's Open Letter on Antitrust Protectionism ( ) did not "deny the existence of network effects," and if you would simply read the letter itself, you would see this. In fact, the words, "network effects," do not even appear in the Open Letter! Furthermore, the Open Letter was not only about the Microsoft case, but as is stated, it was about "Headline-grabbing cases against Microsoft, Intel, Cisco Systems, Visa and MasterCard, along with a flurry of merger investigations now under way." The issue is about "path dependence" theory, not "network effects!" Regards, Matt- ************************************************************************** Subscribe to Freematt's Alerts: Pro-Individual Rights Issues Send a blank message to: with the words subscribe FA on the subject line. List is private and moderated (7-30 messages per week) Matthew Gaylor, 2175 Bayfield Drive, Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 313-5722 ICQ: 106212065 Archived at **************************************************************************
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Matthew Gaylor