Re: Schneier on Stego, Dead Drops, bin Laden
Schneier did the World a great favor by helping popularize awareness of crypto. Now he should just shut up, along with Larry Ellison and Scott McNealy. Go back to work.
Schneier has never really cared much for steganography and he seems to take every opportunity to belittle it. In _Secrets and Lies_, he argues that he's never received images in email and so steganography will fail for lack of a channel.
In any case, there are plenty of business uses of whatever might be called steganography. The term itself is difficult to pin down because it could include many things that people do without realizing that they're engaged in steganography.
Bruce is indeed commendable for his crypto advocacy, though he's backed off from that in recent years now claiming dependable security is possible only by the service he sells. In his latest Crypto-Gram he applauds Bush, says the US has got to learn to live with terrorism, that there is no way to prevent it, just learn to be cautious and careful of ever changing threats, and follow the leadership of those who know what's what, again the way he talks about wise and realistic computer security. Unfortunately for Bruce's once sterling reputation he sounds more and more like a scare mongerer strictly pumping up the protection racket. Indeed, his promo for his firm now clouds his opinions, although he may be suffering coercion of his investors, call that economic terrorism, though Bruce cautions the word is terribly overused for trivial annoyances like those of investors hounding you to meet expectations. What can you do with a mature professional no longer free to do what he likes, pressured to beat the upstarts and gray hairs, why make him a prestigous spokesperson for an industy, recycle his outpouring of advice. Don't get me wrong, this is not about Whit Diffie.
participants (2)
John Young