My fellow Cypherpunks, Check out this post for a REALLY DIFFERENT view of terrorist threats. http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/092401a.htm Yours truly, Gary Jeffers BEAT STATE!!! _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

On Saturday, October 13, 2001, at 08:54 PM, Gary Jeffers wrote:
My fellow Cypherpunks,
Check out this post for a REALLY DIFFERENT view of terrorist threats.
Yours truly, Gary Jeffers
You were a creepy nitwit back around 1994 when you first showed up with your ill-conceived ideas, you were a creepy nitwit when you came back a few years later, and you are a creepy nitwit this time around. Do you even read the crap you recommend? Or is it a case of "They laughed at Tesla! They laughed at Choate! They laughed at Jeffers!"? Consider some of what this URL talks about, the usual mumbo jumbo about zero point energy of the universe, folded spacetime, unlimited energy, cold fusion, and something called "inner infolded electromagnetics." Submittted for the amusement of Cypherpunks (though with the profusion of Yahoo, Hotmail, Hushmail, and other throwaway-account blissninnies, I expect most of you to just go "Like, cool!"): --begin excerpt-- Specifically, they have very little knowledge of the capabilities of higher symmetry electrodynamics, since they almost ubiquitously use standard electrical engineers and engineering for analysis. The problem is that this standard type of analyst -- however capable in the orthodox sense -- is totally incapable of even recognizing the indicators pointing to a higher symmetry EM weapon or weapon test. ..... We also missed the fact that this internal LW EM dynamics constitutes an infolded set of spacetime curvatures and their dynamics -- spacetime curvature engines, e.g., or "vacuum engines" in particle physics terms, or just "engines" for short. ... Not a single university in the United States even teaches what actually powers an electrical circuit, even though that has been in physics for more than 40 years, ....You will see a total failure to attack the energy crisis right where it begins: by what actually powers the circuit. You will see no acceptance of cold fusion, now demonstrated in more than 600 successful experiments worldwide, in several nations and many laboratories, by perhaps 200 scientists from those countries, labs, or independently. For the electric circuit, any dipolarity, being opposite charges, a priori extracts EM energy from the vacuum in unusable form ( the input must be from the time-domain; it is easily demonstrated experimentally that no observable EM energy is input in 3-space), transduces it into usable form, and pours it out in all directions. ....Consequently, billions of dollars are being spent in energy research on everything except the real problem: how to master and correctly use the broken symmetry of the ubiquitous dipole. ..... we had to turn to a friendly foreign country, to its National Materials Science Laboratory (which is part of its National Academy of Sciences), to find scientists already well-versed in higher symmetry electrodynamics and its use, willing to perform the final year of research needed to develop the unit for the commercial market and full production. That is now ongoing. .....Yet astounding breakthroughs -- including for the good of all human beings on this planet -- readily come from such work, in energy, healing, propulsion, you name it. The mastery of the "inner infolded electromagnetics" inside all the normal EM potentials, fields and waves is actually a unified field theory, but one directly engineerable on the lab bench. .....to show that a small, portable higher group symmetry electrodynamic medical treatment device can be rapidly developed in a crash program of from $60-100 million. The device could treat (radiate in very special fashion) a casualty in about 2 minutes flat, and another, and another, etc. community, not to mention the scientific community --end excerpt-- --Tim May, Corralitos, California Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

At 10:42 PM 10/13/2001 -0700, Tim May wrote:
On Saturday, October 13, 2001, at 08:54 PM, Gary Jeffers wrote:
My fellow Cypherpunks,
Check out this post for a REALLY DIFFERENT view of terrorist threats.
Yours truly, Gary Jeffers
You were a creepy nitwit back around 1994 when you first showed up with your ill-conceived ideas, you were a creepy nitwit when you came back a few years later, and you are a creepy nitwit this time around.
Do you even read the crap you recommend? Or is it a case of "They laughed at Tesla! They laughed at Choate! They laughed at Jeffers!"?
Consider some of what this URL talks about, the usual mumbo jumbo about zero point energy of the universe, folded spacetime, unlimited energy, cold fusion, and something called "inner infolded electromagnetics."
Submittted for the amusement of Cypherpunks (though with the profusion of Yahoo, Hotmail, Hushmail, and other throwaway-account blissninnies, I expect most of you to just go "Like, cool!"):
Quite likely hogwash, but you may admit that science can be as political as any profession and that some of the most important breakthroughs in science were scorned by the establishment of their time (e.g., plate tectonics). I have an interesting book I've mentioned before on the list, "Causality, Electromagnetic Induction and Gravitation," by Oleg Jefimenko http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0917406230/qid=1003043154/sr=2-1/ref=... A physicist who has spent some time in this told field me that Jefimenko's book is brilliant but it has been mostly ignored by many in the scientific establishment. From the publisher info: "This book is a strikingly new exploration of the fundamentals of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and of Newton's theory of gravitation. Starting with an analysis of causality in the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, the author discovers a series of heretofore unknown or overlooked electromagnetic interdependencies and equations. One of the most notable new results is the discovery that Maxwell's equations do not depict cause and effect relations between electromagnetic phenomena: causal dependencies in electromagnetic phenomena are found to be described by solutions of Maxwell's equations in the form of retarded electric and magnetic field integrals. A consequence of this discovery is that, contrary to the generally accepted view, time-variable electric and magnetic fields cannot cause each other and that both fields are simultaneously created by their true causative sources -- time-dependent electric charges and currents. Another similarly important discovery is that Lenz's law of electromagnetic induction is a manifestation of the previously ignored electric force produced by the time-dependent electric currents. These discoveries lead to important new methods of calculations of various electromagnetic effects in time- depended electromagnetic systems. The new methods are demonstrated by a variety of illustrative examples. Continuing his analysis of causal electromagnetic relations, the author finds that these relations are closely associated with the law of momentum conservation, and that with the help of the law of momentum conservation one can analyze causal..." steve

On Sunday, October 14, 2001, at 12:12 AM, Steve Schear wrote:
Quite likely hogwash, but you may admit that science can be as political as any profession and that some of the most important breakthroughs in science were scorned by the establishment of their time (e.g., plate tectonics).
Plate tectonics is a good example of a hypothesis that was -- seriously debated by serious geologists -- doubted by many of the older geologists, but not "scorned" in the same way Bearden's "time reversal" (to reverse aging and disease) and "free energy" (perpetual motion) theories are -- most importantly, plate tectonics had several testable implications, which were, in fact, confirmed during the decade (1960s) of ferment (by contrast, the mishmash of Bearden's theories have been around for several decades, with no confirmation...all it takes is just _one_ of his Takahashi or Kawai perpetual motion machines, which he claims have been suppressed, or one of the French anti-aging machines, which he also claims are suppressed) The major doubters of plate tectonics were convinced by the late 60s, as evidence from sea floor spreading came in. (One of my geology profs was Preston Cloud, an old-timer who did much of the work on the Cretacious extinction. He had a lot of insights about how plate tectonics became accepted...I took one of his seminars in 1973. The lessons dovetailed nicely with Kuhn and Popper.) The "new physics" stuff is quite different. It is scorned in a way that plate tectonics was not, and for good reason. Folks should visit Bearden's site. http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/index.html Lots of hilarious stuff about underground bases, weather modification, perpetual motion, the downing of the "Challenger," Tesla physics, space-time curvature, Kawai engines, reversing aging by using phase conjugate optics to force time to go backwards, and the usual crap about suppression of new theories. Basically, if you've seen the Mel Gibson movie "Conspiracy Theory," this guy Bearden is the Mel Gibson character.
A physicist who has spent some time in this told field me that Jefimenko's book is brilliant but it has been mostly ignored by many in the scientific establishment.
So? --Tim May "Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

Tim May wrote: The "new physics" stuff is quite different. It is scorned in a way that plate tectonics was not, and for good reason. Folks should visit Bearden's site. http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/index.html I did. Oh, dear. Not sure what is supposed to be denoted by "Tesla physics", but Tesla's work with power transmission via HF is fascinating, even if there was apparently no practical or safe use for it. jbdigriz

Tim May wrote:
Basically, if you've seen the Mel Gibson movie "Conspiracy Theory," this guy Bearden is the Mel Gibson character.
Just checked his web site. Did you mean to say Mel Gibson or Mel Brooks? <whistle> His web site demonstrates a high rate of production and a low signal-to-noise ratio. The web at it's best! -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel 617-670-3793 "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato

Consider some of what this URL talks about, the usual mumbo jumbo about zero point energy of the universe, folded spacetime, unlimited energy, cold fusion, and something called "inner infolded electromagnetics."
I am sorry, Senor May, but the man you refer to as a "nitwit" is actually right in this case! Tell me, how do you think I keep my yurt warm here in Antarctica? Do you think I call the local utility co and have them string up a line? No! Cold is the main natural resource down here, so I rely on cold fusion, although I have an inner infolded electromagnetic range. You think a big Viking gas range boils water fast? Well if you put this thing on any setting higher than "low" you go from a block of polar ice to super-heated steam before you can say "potholder".
participants (6)
Dr. Evil
Gary Jeffers
James B. DiGriz
Steve Furlong
Steve Schear
Tim May