[linux-elitists] STANFORD LOCAL: Wednesday 19 November 2003: Microsoft will claim that Palladium is good for you, Richard Stallman asks your help in telling the truth

<blockquote what="alert and request from Richard Stallman" suggestion="Please call Palladium by its right name, 'Palladium'. It is not a Next Generation Secure Computing Base." edit-level="one mail header line suppressed so that private addresses be not broadcast" more-information="http://www.nyfairuse.org/action/palladium" for-what-Microsoft-does-today-with-the-primitive-hard-DRM-in-Xbox="http://x box-linux.sourceforge.net/docs/remotedelete.html"> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 18:04:00 -0500 From: Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> Subject: Microsoft speech at Stanford where we need people to show up At this event tomorrow, Microsoft will try to present Palladium as a security measure. It would be useful if a few people who understand the issues of treacherous computing and security could show up there and point out flaws in that argument meant to justify Palladium. Flaws could include (1) that in practice this "solution" wouldn't solve the whole problem unless users' usage is grievously limited, and (2) you could do as much for security in other ways that won't attack the user's freedom.
participants (1)
Jay Sulzberger