I hate to point out the obvious, but doesn't this whole WTC thing seems to be like it's a mossad operation to others? I have no proof, of course, but the economics and the reverse-engineering of the logics of the whole events point to this conclusion. 1) Israel has been very well prepared in that the current and ex-prime ministers have been very well available and have been talking on international television about this incident from the moment it started. 2) The below news is very beneficial to Israel 3) Israel benefits the most from this incident politically 4) They have the resources to do something like this 5) Their politicians don't care about killing innocent people 6) They have done it before to the Americans (Sinking one of their ships) 7) The Mossad recruit palestinians for suicide missions and kill the volunteers before they commit a bombing -> a short extention would be to use them for their own benefit by having them do suicide attacks in the US to gain support for their policies in the middle east, and have US attack the neighboring arab countries threatening Israel. 8) Osama has denied responsibility, yes he is "implicated" somehow by the evidence. 9) Osama would not seem to benefit from this politically or economically, or gain any support by doing this in the Arab countries, as has been made clear 10) Iraelis' claim to have warned USA before hand... etc. etc. etc. Tons of coincidences and reportings of facts about this whole incident in the news. Israel is very prominently playing this for all it's worth, and seems incredibly very well prepared. Of course, this does not mean that they had anything to do with it. I'm just pointing out that they are getting the biggest benefit, together with the military-industrial and spy-complexes of the USA. Certainly a nice conspiracy theory? ;-) On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, [anton.raath] wrote:
:- anybody could confirm the following?
The authenticity of the "Palestinians celebrating footage dates back to 1991" meme has been hotly debated on the Net over the last few days, and last I heard nobody reputable was able to confirm that CNN was faking it. Personally, I take CNN reports with a pinch of salt, but this might just be a little too obvious to be true.
For more speculation on this topic, there's a discussion at Plastic: http://www.plastic.com/article.pl?sid=01/09/15/0020252&mode=thread
A! ====================================================== anton l. raath
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