Hello Dear, We at MVRDC Inc., a company specialised in handcut diamonds have a position available for you in response to your initial request for employment in search directory for USA, CANADA, UK AND EUROPE. We are based outside the United States Of America Handcut diamond orders has been coming from North America lately and we have not been able to process these orders completely since we do not have a payment receiving personnel in this area. So we have decided to recruit Payment Officers via the Internet hence we will be needing a representative to process our payments in this area. payments come in money orders or wire transfers Every payment made attracts a 10% commission for a prospective empolyee. Interested persons should send the below information only to recruit@mvrdc.com- APPLICATION First name : Last name : Full Address (NOT P.O BOX) : City : State : Country : Zip Code : Tel numbers : Age : Best means of communication?email/phone Please reply only to our special e-mail: recruit@mvrdc.com Thank You Stephen Passlack MVRDC Inc Russia Email: recruit@mvrdc.com
participants (1)
Fletcher Hancock