Re: Computerized OTP (was 5th AMENDMENT & DECRYPTION) (Murdering Thug) writes,
A person I know is working on a computerized version of the OTP that extracts a truly random stream of bits from TV/RF static and massages it using a DSP to be highly variable (e.g.: no runs of 0's or 1's longer than 5 bits).
Cool! You've managed to weaken the one time pad enough for someone to crack it! [ I can collect statistics on the plaintext based on the fact that if five zeroes occur in the OTP then the next bit is constrained to be one. Of course, I don't have complete access to the OTP, but it's an extremely useful statitistical foot-in-the-door. ] This failure occurred because your friend tried to create a number sequence that is somehow "more random than random". Such a sequence is, by definition, weak. -- Marc Ringuette ( (Murdering Thug) writes,
(e.g.: no runs of 0's or 1's longer than 5 bits).
Cool! You've managed to weaken the one time pad enough for someone to crack it!
Taking 6-graph statistics, we seen that the entropy is 5.95, where it should be 6.00. Or in other words, .992 bits of entropy per bit symbol. That's not good. Eric
participants (2)
Eric Hughes