Castro NewYorker Add (Room Lists)
In regard to the NewYorker add... I believe the complete floor-list is as follows: (the 3823-back hall is most relevant.) SUITE 3800 (Balcony) "The Real World" 3801 (Conference Center) 3802 "Entities who wish to further Humanity" 3803 "Proactive Entities" 3804 "Competant People" 3806-3814 "Signs: 'PROHIBITED BY AMERIKAN POLICY, REPORT TO YOUR ASSIGNED CONCENTRATION FACILITIES, (per execuitive order #monkeyBoy$all$)'" 3815 "NA - International IC" 3816 "NA - International IC" 3817 "NA - International IC" 3818 "NA - International IC" 3819 "Mossad" 3820 "?" 3821 "CIA" 3822 "Castro" 3823 "FBI" 3824 "Fake Terrorists" 3827 "Commies" 3825 "Bush's Financial Advisor" 3826 "Oil Companies Consortium, (also representing those interested in financial profits only)." 3828 "Nazis" 3829 "Bush" 3830 [Cordoned off, apparently black hole to largest consumer of combustable fuel products, extreme negative altitude.] Just a Guess... Worth the 30 seconds to write it out... -Wilfred
participants (1)
Wilfred L. Guerin