Re: FC: Sen. Hollings plans to introduce DMCA sequel: The SSSCA
The only response legislation like this deserves is massive, public civil disobedience. Stand out in front of the White House, with old Intel boxes running Linux and an open source MP3 ripper/player, and offer to sell them to passerby. Have 500,000 individuals be formal members of a general
At Sat, 08 Sep 2001 10:50:29 -0700, "Thomas Leavitt" <> wrote: partnership (no liability shield) - force the government to throw us all in jail and take everything we own. We'll see what happens then! I don't think your response goes far enough. Those jailed have will have lost months even years of their lives. What will the Congresscritters lose? How will they pay them back once these laws are repealed? If I were ever arrested for drug possession or DMCA violation I know what I would do once released. The trouble with almost all who complain about this sort of crap is that is all they will do. They are too comfortable to take the actions they know are necessary. Most all the Declaration of Independence signers paid dearly. Tell me how many you think today are willing to risk it all as they did? I suspect until internal security forces patrol the streets (they are already setting up cameras in every major city) and quarter themeslves in our homes the sheeple will cower under their beds and thank God they have a job, a roof over their heads and can go to the church of their choice in Sunday. Got to go now and water the tree of liberty...
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