Dear "Joe": So, you really DO want to become a member of Better A Millstone! Well, on behalf of children everywhere, congratulations and thanks! Please understand that to become a member of BAM a number of intrusive questions need to be asked because BAM must be in a position to vouch to law enforcement agencies to whom it provides intelligence and information that you have been checked out and that they can trust the information that you provide as valid and that you are of good character. And after receiving and reviewing your application, to become a member of Better A Millstone, you will be required to go to your local law enforcement agency to be properly identified and to have them do a criminal history background check on you for forwarding to Better A Millstone. And please know that we will only confirm your actual identity and location to law enforcement on an individual "need to know" basis for those cases that you are involved in helping them to solve. And after receiving and reviewing your application, and becoming a member of Better A Millstone, we will only confirm your actual identity and location to law enforcement on an individual "need to know" basis for those cases that you are involved in helping them to solve or to another member of BAM with whom you are working. Please answer the following questions accurately by typing in the requested information or responses and--when completed--simply return this e-mail in its entirety to <applyforbam@hotmail.com> so that I and/or members of the Board of Directors of Better A Millstone may check out the information which you provide. After reviewing your application--and within ten days or so--you will receive a phone call from me or one of the members of the Board of Directors to chat with you and get to know you. And soon thereafter you will be notified as to your acceptance as a member of BAM. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Full Name: Name/Nickname That You Like To Be Called By: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Social Security Number (if U.S. resident): Citizen of What Country: Married or Single: Spouse's Name: Any Children? If So, Their Ages, Please: Mail Address: City/State/Province/Country: Zip Code or Postal Code: Country, Area, &/or City Code & Phone Number: Country, Area, &/or City Code & Fax Number: Location of Principal Internet Access (Home or Office): Local Hours You Are Usually on the Internet: Main E-mail Address: Secondary E-mail Address: Your Occupation: Education (high school, college, etc.): What Languages Do You Speak?: What Languages Do You Read?: What Languages Do You Write?: Please Detail All Professional Work with Children: Please Detail All Volunteer Work with Children: Any Felony Convictions of Any Kind? (Yes or No): If Yes, Please Provide Location, Date, Nature of Crime, and Sentence: Any Misdemeanor Convictions Involving Children? (Yes or No): If Yes, Please Provide Location, Date, Nature of Crime, and Sentence: Why Do You Wish to Become a Member of Better A Millstone?: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED FILLING OUT THIS FORM, PLEASE E-MAIL IT BACK TO BAM USING THE SAME E-MAIL ADDRESS FROM WHICH IT WAS SENT TO YOU - <applyforbam@hotmail.com> - IN OTHER WORDS, CLICK ON "Reply", fill out the entire application (DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING!), and then click on "Send". You will then be contacted by phone within approximately ten days. And if you have any questions about any of this, please e-mail me, Mike Echols, at <BAMExDir@hotmail.com> and identify your questions in the subject line as follows: "BAM Application Questions". I thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Better A Millstone and for your concern about protecting children! Most sincerely yours, Mike Echols, Founder & Executive Director, Better A Millstone, Inc.
>>"The Internet Eyes & Ears for Law Enforcement"<<<<<<<< 484-B Washington Street, #220, Monterey, California 93940 U.S.A. Toll Free Voice Mail in the U.S.: 1-800-971-7818 Voice Mail from Other Countries: area code 831-887-3362
Better A Millstone's Main Web Page: <http://www.shadow-net.com> Help Kids Protect Themselves: <http://www.shadow-net.com/forkids.html> _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
participants (1)
Mike Echols