SoftSlide - Concrete eSlide Ruler
This is advertising, so we will keep it short. ---------------------------------- DOWNLOAD YOUR OWN CONCRETE eSLIDE RULE "How many Software engineers does it take to screw in a light bulb? - None, it is a hardware problem!" Being a former Civil Engineer, I was never too far from dirt, stone, concrete, and rebar. Somewhere along the line, I transitioned into the CLEAN environment of electrical engineering, and eventually the STERILE environment of computers. Now I've worked with some very good computer people, but I must say there is a certain "gulf" between the computer screen and my former occupation. Perhaps that gulf is where all those dot-coms got lost ;>) I find myself trying to fill that gulf, with something a little more... well... concrete. Well, at any rate, here is my offering. We have this really cool concrete SoftSlide at: Try it for free, and if you want a custom one for your company - let me know. We do them up on custom printed mini-CDs, or as a download from your site. We are the only ones who make these - we invented them. And you are one of about 200 people we mailed this message to. I hope you find the SoftSlide useful, and perhaps entertaining. Oh... and be sure to "right-click" on it! Kind regards, Rod Spencer ---------------------------------- UNSUBSCRIBE/CHANGE INFORMATION This is a once-a-month offer with a restricted distribution. You have expressed an interest in SoftSlides or in related products. Reply and include "CANCEL-MAILINGS" in the subject line if you wish to stop future correspondence. Reply and include "CANCEL-MAILINGS CONFIRM" in the subject line if you also want confirmation. If you auto-forwarding or use a re-mailer, please be sure to send your reply from the original address that received it! ELECTRONIC ADVERTISING, MAILING POLICY AND PRIVACY POLICY We don't grab personal information. We don't buy or sell lists. There is one list, and if you opt out, it is for all of SoftSlides, period. For details please see: and
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