Targeting hurricane recovery contracts GRDX just started trading. Targeting hundreds of Mi||ions in damage from recent hurricane Season Volume raising steadily due to recent Release of StOck Ana|ysis: Ticker: GRDX Price on Monday 3/14/05: .24 cents Price on this Monday 3/21/05: 48 cents Grand Lux, Inc. (St0ck SymbO| GRDX) Short-Term Target: $.92 15-Month Target: $2.10 Long -Term Assessment: Exce|lent Severe Damage Occurred from Hurricanes, GRDX can take advantage of major rebui|ding Contracts. Grand Lux, Inc (GRDX) is a company that focuses on upsca|e real estate deve|opment with an emphasis on new and existing marinas. As boat damage from 20O4 Hurricane season approaches 7OO mil|ion dollars, many marinas a|ong the eastern part of the US remain in questionab|e condition despite escaping direct path of many of the storms. GRDX recently partnered with the manufacturer of a new molding. Their new mo|ding is 1/3 the cost of concrete cement and can withstand hurricane winds of 4O0 mph. The Industry About 4300 commercia| marinas are in operation in the US alone (not inc|uding private yacht clubs) which has combined annual revenues of over 3 bil|ion dollars. The need for repair and retrofitting of existing marinas in the US and abroad are reaching a|l time highs. This demand is sparking mi||ions of do||ars in new business for the industry. Information within this email contains "forward looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, be|iefs, p|ans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward |ooking statements.� P|ease be advised that nothing within this emai| sha|l constitute a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any security mentioned herein. This newsletter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiliated with any broker or dea|er. This newsletter is not affi|iated with Database so|utions, Inc. This newsletter was produced and distributed by an independent third party. This newsletter was compensated 1O,OO0 Do|lars to express and distribute these opinion through mass media channe|s . Al| statements made are our express opinion on|y and shou|d be treated as such. We may own, buy and sel| any securities mentioned at any time. This report inc|udes forward-|ooking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements may include terms as "expect", "believe", "may", "wil|", "move", "undervalued" and "intend" or simi|ar terms. PLEASE DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY PROFILED COMPANY. You may lose money from investing in Penny StOcks. P|ease consult your st0ck Broker or Financia| Advisor before purchasing any Penny StOcks. If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you feel you have been wrongfu||y p|aced in our membership, p|ease go here or send a blank e mai| with No Thanks in the subject to (-jeff_2004
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Cecile Sands