i'd like to meet you!!

hi, i saw your ad personal ad and it sounded interesting, i couldn't tell if it's been there a while so i guess my first question is are you still looking? i don't know if your looking for a real meeting or just chat, if it's a meeting your looking for so am i. i'd like to send a picture but i don't know how to scan so i can't send you one direct.i figured out a way to do it online. just go on down,take a look and if you like the way i look then i guess we can take the next step. the site name is www.threehornyhousewives.com i think you will like my profile, because to me it sounds like we have a lot in common.oh and if your a kid don't even bother!! NOT INTERESTED!! hope to talk soon, leslie692 PS: the site is a little sexy but it's not porn, i used it because it's out of the way and didn't want to be too easy to find.
participants (1)