Re: CJ sent you a Yahoo! Greeting,
Seen at ...Tora Tora Tora! (english) by AP International 8:15am Fri Dec 7 '01 The day that japan pluckily fought back against vicious US colonialist hegemony was marked by an urgent highly classified warning to all americans in or travelling to the Pacific reigon. A top secret urgent warning flash went out to all US embassies in the greater pacific this morning. Laska jihad and moro rebels have agents disguised and well infiltrated as 'sleepers'in all the major hotels frequented by american tourists.On a as yet undetermined signal they will attack and kill as many americans as they can. The advisories are being unencrypted and prepared for public release as soon as a way to do so without unnecersarily alarming them is found. US business interests are getting advance warning and have been asked to obtain as much information for the updated echelon op-centre as they can. The fact US govt contracts will be awarded on the basis of cooperation with the outer homeland defence shield is said by a spokesman for the state dept to be,"not strictly correct". Much of the assets of US govt interests are being withdrawn from the most dangerous countries and being replaced with 'drone' hardware and freshly written classified software.Millions,even billions is being spent to support US business interests in this new battle and the president has assured his contributors that "there will be no more Enrons,not while Im alive" The vice president concurred from his bunker,adding that he's looking forward to receiving the heart of a transgenetic pig "soon,real soon" clark cristoff for AP.
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